Chapter 24

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"They don't want to sign me." And to make matters worse he comes home to find out about me and Sammy. Great. "Nate I'm so sorry..." "It's ok Lucy," Nate grabs my hand, "I have you. And that's all I care about."

We continue to eat and then a man comes from the kitchen and takes our plates. Nate must have hired someone. The man returns with lava cake and ice cream, Nate must know it's my favorite. After we eat we go up stairs to our room. I guess it's "ours" now. I change into one of Nate's tshirts; I don't bother to do it in the privacy of the bathroom, it's nothing he hasn't seen before. I get in bed and rest my head on Nate's bare chest with my arm wrapped around him. Nate plays with my hair and rubs my back. "I really missed you y/n. I'm glad I'm home." "I'm glad you are too. But I'm really sorry the cause of you coming home.. You don't need them. They probably didn't know what to do with your amount of talent." Nate smiles, "God do I love you." Nate grabs my face and kisses me. He moves me onto my back and starts to kiss my neck.

The phone rings.

"God damn it." Nate grabs his phone, "it's Sammy."

"Yo.... Yes this is him....." Nate's eyes grow wide, "Uh, yeah, I'll be right there....." Nate jumps up. "We gotta go, that was the police, Sammy got into a car accident and is in the hospital." Oh no. I didn't even realize how long it's been since he left for the gym. I throw on a pair of leggings and sneakers and we're out the door. Nate is driving so fast it's making my heart race. "Nate please slow down, we don't want to end up in a hospital bed next to him." "Fine." Nate slows down.

When we get to the hospital we park and run inside to the desk. "I'm looking for Sam Wilkinson" "Family and significant others only at this time." "This is his girlfriend" Nate says pointing to me. "Nate!" I whisper. "Room 36A on the right" a nurse says as the doors open. I run down the hall until I arrive at Sammy's room and I stand in the doorway. A doctor from inside the room comes up to me, "Your boyfriend here isn't doing well. He had a pretty bad head injury. We ran some head CT's and there appears to be some problems. We will be taking him up to surgery as soon as an OR opens up. He also has a broken leg and some cracked ribs." "Will he be ok? He has to be ok..." "We'll do whatever we can" the doctor says as he walks away. Sammy is unconscious and there are bruises all over his face and arms. I walk in quietly and sit down next to him. I grab his hand and kiss it. "Sammy, I know you probably can't hear me but I'm going to talk anyways. You need to hold on. You need to pull through." I start to cry, "this cannot be the end. I need this to not be the end. I know we can't be together but I still need you in my life. Nate needs you in his life. I know he seems like he's mad but you're basically brother. He can't stay mad at you for long. And you need to stay alive for your sisters and your parents. They love you so much. And in case I never have the chance to tell you this, I really could love you too." I feel Sammy's hand squeeze around mine. "Oh my god. Sammy," I kiss his hand again "you're going to get through this. You're going to be ok, I promise." The heart monitor starts to make a beeping noise and a nurse rushes and pulls my chair back. "Prep the OR, we don't have much time" the nurse yells as other nurses and doctors run and start to pull his bed away. I start to run along with them, "You're going to be ok. You have to be ok." They stop in front of the elevator. I lean down and kiss his forehead and then they take him away on the elevator. I stand there for a minute in disbelief.

I turn around with the shock on my face as I slowly make my way out of the long hallway and to the waiting room here I see Nate waiting with his face in his hands. When he sees me he runs over to me. "What's going on? Why are you crying? Please don't tell me.." "They're rushing him up to the OR right now... I don't think things are looking good.." Nate wraps his arms around me and we cry into each other's shoulders. "I can't lose him" Nate chokes out.

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