Leader of the Pack

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It was just before sunset that Elisa and Athena had been notified that the Pack, except Fox, had escaped from prison. They knew that Lexington was not going to be happy about this news. Elisa and Athena stood inside the clock tower waiting for the sun to go down. A few minutes passed by before Goliath, Lexington, Broadway, Brooklyn, Hudson, and Bronx walked into the tower.

"What is it, Elisa? Athena?" Goliath asked, seeing their scared faces.

"Bad news I'm afraid, the pack escaped from jail," Elisa replied.

"What!?" Lexington shouted with rage causing Brooklyn, who was standing next to him, to cover his ears.

"Nice wake-up call," Brooklyn said.

"We gotta track them down before the trail gets cold!"

"How did it happen?" Goliath asked his daughter.

"Dingo and somebody dressed in black and gold with an animal mask took them out quick and clean," Athena explained.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get moving!" Lexington said as he hopped from one foot to another before running up the stairs to the balcony.

"Where do we start?" Broadway asked, "Manhattan is a bigger castle than the one we're used to protecting."

Lexington turned around and continued going up the stairs as he said, "The Pack Media Studio, they'll go back to it like snakes to a nest and I'll be waiting for them."

Goliath, Elisa, and Athena rushed up the stairs and out onto the balcony as Lexington was on the railing, preparing to jump.

"Lexington wait!" Goliath ordered, preventing Lexington from leaving.

"The studio is the first place we're checking," Elisa told him.

Brooklyn ran out and jumped on the railing next to Lexington, "Ok Lex, you and me, we'll check it out."

Athena walked up to the two gargoyles with Bronx by her side, "If you two are going to do something like this then you're going to need some backup."

Athena got on Brooklyn's back while he and Lexington grabbed ahold of Bronx to carry him before they jumped off the railing, flying to Pack Media Studio.

The four landed on the rooftop of the building across from Pack Studio.

"Looks like we're not the only ones who figured they'd be here," Brooklyn commented on the police cars outside of the studio.

"The police can have them after I'm done with them," Lexington glared.

"Lexington, I know how you feel, you put your trust in them and they used you. They nearly killed you, me, and Goliath," Athena looked down, "Every time someone mentions Demona, I feel so foolish that I didn't see her for who she truly is, but you can't let it consume you, you need to remember what's really important. Family, protecting our home."

"You have your priorities and I have mine," Lexington snapped at her.

"I gotta tell ya, Lex, your starting to worry us," Brooklyn told him.

"Look!" Lexington pointed at the police cars that are now leaving.

"Looks like they were a no-show," Athena said.

"I'm checking it out," Lexington jumped off the rooftop and glided down to the studio.

"Come on you two, let's go make sure Lexington doesn't get himself in trouble," She told Brooklyn and Bronx before they followed Lexington down to the studio.

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