The Awakening Part Four

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Once they were rested, the trio and Athena headed back to Wyvern. When they arrived at the Castle, the Elder Gargoyle and the Gargoyle dog were waiting for them.

"It's about time you came home," He told them as they landed.

"This city is a fascinating place," The Red Gargoyle said.

"Underground tubes with giant metal snakes," The Blue Gargoyle said.

"Lights so bright they turn night into day," The Green Gargoyle said.

"Huge metal ship," The Red Gargoyle said.

"All kinds of food!" The Blue Gargoyle exclaimed with joy.

"It was an eventful night," Athena told the Elder Gargoyle.

"Have you seen Goliath?" The Elder Gargoyle asked them.

"He's not back?" Athena asked, growing concerned for her father, "But he would have been home long before we got back, and it's almost dawn."

"Aye," He said, "That's what worries me."

"Elisa was showing him the city. She's probably still with him. I'll call her and see what I can find," Athena told them.

"Just be careful, lass. We lost you once, and we're not going to lose you again," The Elder Gargoyle said before he and the others took their place.

Athena walked down the stairs and left the building. As she walked along the street, Athena pulled out her phone and, as she was about to call Elisa, her phone started ringing, and the caller ID read Elisa.

"Hey, I was just about to call you," Athena said.

"Athena, it's Goliath. We were attacked, and they shot him with a dart. It made him weak, and then he turned to stone. I managed to lose them, but I don't know what to do about him," Elisa told her in a panicked voice.

"Elisa, calm down. A Gargoyle turns to stone during the day. It's how they sleep and heal. So, when the sun goes down, he will be fine."

Elisa took a breath, "Okay. I'm okay."

"Good. Where are you now?" Athena asked her.

"Central Park. I don't think you'll miss the new statue."

"Okay, I'll be there soon," Athena hung up.

Athena got to Central Park as fast as she could, and when she arrived, she started looking for Elisa and the park's new statue. After a while of searching, Athena found them. And Elisa was soaking wet.

"Elisa, what happened to you?" Athena asked.

"The goons that were chasing me," She replied, "led them to a boathouse, and then I had to hide under the docks."

"Thank you for saving my father. I can't thank you enough."

"What are friends for," Elisa said before they sat down next to Goliath, "Your father told me about you, and I gotta admit you look good for someone who's over a thousand years old."

"Immortality does wonders for the complexion," Athena joked, and the two laughed.

"So, does Jason know about you, your family, all of it?" She asked.


"So, what was it like being raised by Gargoyles?" Elisa asked.

"It was interesting, but not different from many other families in that era. I was loved, looked after, and taught the Gargoyle ways. The Elder Gargoyle and the Captain of the Guard taught me how to fight in battle. I had also been tutored alongside Princess Katherine. My father thought it would be best for me to learn from humans. Prince Malcolm agreed, and for a while, his daughter Princess Katherine and I were best friends, but something happened, and she blamed the Gargoyles."

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