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Snow falls over Manhatten. At the clocktower, the trio are getting ready to go to the movies.

"Going to the movies, Hudson. Want to come along?" Broadway asked.

"Thank you, lads, but no," He replied, "Why go to out in the snow to see something that will be on cable soon enough. Besides, someone had to stay here and guard our home."

Brooklyn chuckles, "Hudson, we live above a police station. What could happen?"

"You know the old saying, "A gargoyle can no more stop protecting the castle..."

"Than breathing the air," The trio and Athena finished.

As they walked out of the clock tower towards the terrace, Lexington said, "We don't live in a catle anymore." Lexington spots Elisa as she walked in, "Bye, Elisa!"

"Bye, Elisa!" Brooklyn said before he flew out into the snowy weather.

"Do we have time to eat before the show?" Broadway asked before he and Lexington flew out.

"Whoo! Nasty out there," Elisa said before asking, "So, how you guys surviving this cold?"

"Cold does not brother us," Goliath answered from his spot looking out throught one of the four clocks.

"Maybe not, but something is," She replied.

"Is it not time to go on duty?" Goliath asked, turning away from her.

"Yeah, I guess it's time for me and Athena to do the ole Pprotect and Serve'," Elisa said.

"Protect?" He asked, turning to Athena and Elisa, "And serve?"

"The police motto, "Elisa exalpined, "it's what we live for."

"Protect whom? And serve how?" Goliath asked as he landed in front of them.

"The good and honest people of the city, Father," Athena answered, "We protect and serve them. And we do it for each other. Just like gargoyles."

"You mean the police," He surmised, "Your clan, and my daughter's other clan."

"Right. Our Clan," Elisa agreed, "Who will disown me and Athena if we're late to work."

"I'll go with you. Perhaps I can learn something from this," Goliath offered.

"Sure," She allowed, "Why not? My car is big. I'm sure my partner won't even notice you."

Athena followed Matt and Elisa in her car while her father followed them from up above. In one of the rougher districts of Manhattan, Elisa, Matt, and Athena parked across the street from a local grocery store.

"Come on, Matt, what's up?" Elisa asked.

"Nothing. I know the guy who owns this place," He replied, "He's been robbed three times this month alone. He's a tough old bird. Born and raised her. He won't let street sum drive him out. I just wish we could protect him better. Coming?"

"Go ahead. I've got some thinking to do," Elisa replied.

"I'm gonna stay here and keep her company," Athena said.

"What? Afraid your brain will overheat if you come in out of the cold?" Matt walks across the street and goes into the store.

"Father?" Athena spoke into the com on her jacket collar. Goliath landed on a small rooftop overlooking the grocery store, "Pretty cool, huh? State of the art. We don't even need to talk loud. This thing picks up everything."

"Yes, a most amazing device," Goliath agreed, "I can hear you perfectly. Why does that man keep his shop open? He could be robbed again. Why does he not leave?

Gargoyles: Daughter of two worldsWhere stories live. Discover now