Enter Macbeth

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Elisa, with crutches, Athena, with her arm in a sling for show, and Jason were trying to make their way up the tower before the sunsets. When they reached the top, there was a man standing there. Elisa, Jason, and Athena knew they had to get him out of here before the sunsets.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Elisa asked.

"I hate to spoil the surprise for you two lovely ladies," The stranger told Elisa and Athena.

"Too bad we hate surprises," Athena said as she and Elisa showed the man their badges," Now, tell us who you are?"

"I am called Macbeth," He replied.

Athena noticed that the sun was getting closer to setting and calmly said, "Let's step inside and discuss this."

"You protect no secrets, I know all about these creatures."

Athena, Jason, and Elisa look at each other nervously as the sunsets. When the gargoyles awoke from their stone sleep, Macbeth didn't flinch but smiled at them as they shed their stone skin and roared. The clan turned around and saw the man standing with Athena, Jason, and Elisa.

"Elisa, Jason, Athena, who's your friend?" Lexington asked.

"This guy bothering you?" Broadway asked as Bronx growled.

"I'm here to offer you an invitation," Macbeth said, "Leave this drafty old castle and be guests at my home."

"I'm afraid we must refuse," Goliath answered without a second thought.

"And I'm afraid I must resist," Macbeth pulls the sides of his jacket back to reveal two powerful guns, "I didn't stoop so low as to destroy you while you slept, but now..."

"I don't like your attitude..." Broadway interrupted, "I think you better leave."

Broadway went to grab Macbeth, but suddenly, Macbeth grabbed Broadway's wrist, tossing him at Hudson. They fell off the tower and into the courtyard below. Macbeth then threw several gas bombs at the gargoyles, Athena, Elisa, and Jason, making them choke and blinded.

Macbeth put on a special pair of glasses, allowing him to see through the smoke. Bronx was running toward him, but Macbeth stepped out of the way and Bronx ran into Lexington. Macbeth took this opportunity and he pulled out a net gun. He fired it and the electrified net landed right on top of Lexington and Bronx, who began howling in pain.

Jason and Athena were back to back ready to fight when Jason spoke the chant, "Gone, gone the form of man, Rise the de-Ahhh! Iron!" Jason cried in pain as a collar latched onto his neck and before Athena could help him a dart hits her in the neck causing her to pass out.

Goliath charged at Macbeth, but he was able to jump over Goliath and knock Brooklyn down off the tower. Macbeth lands beside Brooklyn and fires the electric net on him. Brooklyn howled in pain for a moment before passing out. Goliath jumped off the tower and Macbeth then fired next to him, knocking Goliath out of the way and fell to the ground, landing on his back. Goliath got off the ground and shaked his head before Macbeth kicked him on the back, sending him into a powerbox and electrocuting him.

"Mr. Macbeth," Owen said as he walked toward Macbeth, "Mr. Xanatos hired you to fumigate his castle, not destroy it."

"Quite right," Macbeth agreed, "We'll continue this elsewhere."

Owen nodded and then walked away. Macbeth pulled a controller out of his jacket and a high tech plane appeared above the castle. A hook latched onto the electric nets and carried them up to the plane. Macbeth raced back up the tower and carefully gathered Athena in his arms. He placed her in the back seat of the plane before he got into the driver's seat. Goliath jumped onto the nose of the plane, but Macbeth quickly got rid of Goliath by electrifying the hull. Goliath fell into the castle courtyard with a large thud, and could only watch helplessly as Macbeth flew off with his friends and daughter.

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