The Awakening Part Three

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The Red, Blue, and Green Gargoyles decided to explore their home and see what changes were to it, and Athena tagged along to make sure they didn't cause any trouble. Eventually, the gargoyles discover the kitchen and are taken in by all the devices.

"Wow, look at all this stuff. It's fantastic," The Green Gargoyle said in amazement as they walked further into the kitchen.

The Red Gargoyle walks over to the stove, "What do you suppose this does?"

Athena turns and sees his hand on the burners, and he is about to turn one of the dials.

"Wait, don't!" She shouted, but it was too late. He turned the dial and jumped back as the burner ignited.

He bumps into the Green Gargoyle, "Hey!" He shouted as he flew into a rack full of pots and pans. A soup pot lands on his hand, and some pots and pans fall.

The Green Gargoyle takes off the soup pot revealing an unamused face at the Red Gargoyle.

"Next time, if you have any questions about this new era's things, ask me. Are you okay?" Athena asked.

"I'll be fine by after morning," The Green Gargoyle answered.

She helped him up and helped put away the pots and pans that fell. When they were done, the Green Gargoyle saw the freezer door open and closed it.

"Hey! Let me out! It's cold in here!" They heard the Blue Gargoyle yell from inside the freezer. They rush over to the freezer to help him.

"We'll save you," The Green Gargoyle yelled.

"You push, and we'll pull," The Red Gargoyle said before he and the Green Gargoyle pulled on the handle. Athena looked up and saw that the latch was closed and opened it. The door then flew open, and the gargoyles crashed into one another, and the piles of food from the Blue Gargoyle helped cause a mess.

While they clean up the kitchen, Xanatos and Elder Gargoyle walk in on the mess after hearing the crash.

"What happened?" Xanatos asked.

"Let's just say that curiosity burned the gargoyle, knocked another into the pots and pans, and locked another in the freezer," Athena replied.

"I'll have a crew come in the morning to clean up while you sleep."

Athena and the gargoyles left the kitchen and went back to the courtyard.

"A fine mess you made of that kitchen, lads. When I heard that crash, I thought the-" The Elder Gargoyle lectured before being interrupted.

"Look!" The Green Gargoyle pointed across from them at the battlement, "Goliath is talking to that human."

Athena focused on the human before she realized who it is, "Elisa, what are you doing here?" She muttered.

She and the others went up the stairs and joined Goliath.

"Does anyone else know about you?" Elisa asked.

The Elder Gargoyle stood by Goliath as the others stood behind Elisa.

"Only the man called 'Xanatos. He brought us here. And my daughter," Goliath said.

Elisa looked over her shoulders and saw the other gargoyles, but not Athena.

"This can't be happening," she said.

"Oh, believe me, it is," Athena said, revealing her presence to Elisa.

"Athena, what are you doing here?"

"Reuniting with my family," She replied.

"Wait, this is your family? The same family in Scotland?" Elisa questioned.

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