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Inside an abandoned garage, is working on a custom motorcycle with Brooklyn, Broadway, and Athena's help. Brooklyn and Broadway wait impatiently as Lexington finishes up.

"Isn't it finished yet?" Broadway asked, "We've been here every night for a week."

"Come on, you've ridden one of these before," Brooklyn said.

"I wouldn't say "ridden". I would say that Lexington crashed it into a wall and almost blew up with it," Athena told Brooklyn.

Once finished Lexington pulled the bike upright and put the kickstand out, "You rode a horse once. Could you build one from spare parts?"

Brooklyn shrugged and went over to the table. He grabbed the helmet and poked two holes on the top of it before placing it on his head.

"Why bother with a helmet?" Broadway asked jokingly, "Your head's hard enough."

Brooklyn wrapped his wings around his waist and put a leather jacket on, "Hey, it's all part of the look."

"There. lt's ready," Lexington told Brooklyn.

Brooklyn sits on the motorcycle before putting on sunglasses, "All right!"

Brooklyn revies the engine before kicking back the stand and speeding off out of the garage. Lexington and Broadway cheered Brooklyn before they stopped and looked at one another.

"Don't we get our turns?" Broadway asked.

"Maybe not tonight, but perhaps tomorrow night. Let's head back to the castle," Athena said. The three prepared to leave and return to the castle, but what they didn't know was that they were being watched.

They returned to the castle and join Goliath, Hudson, and Bronx in the TV room. Hudson and Bronx were watching tv while Goliath was reading a book with a few more beside him.

"Where's Brooklyn?" Goliath asked.

"He's out joyriding," Broadway replied.

"Joyriding''?" He asked in a confused voice before continuing his book.

Athena looks at her watch, "I better get going. I have a shift tomorrow afternoon and I promised Jason that we send sometime before that, but I'll see you guys tomorrow night," She leaves the room and hides down to the lobby of the Eyrie Building. Athena gets into her car and drives home.

Brooklyn rode through the streets having the time of his, "Oh, this is great! l love this bike."

He then rode past a cop car, going well past the speed limit. The cops turn their siren on and begin pursuit. Brooklyn sees them coming in his rearview mirror and escapes by driving into an alleyway and up a ramp formed by some trash, spreading his wings, and gliding over a wall, bike and all.

"You want to call that in?" The cop asked his partner.

"Call what in?" He replied with disbelief of what they saw.

The cop looks down at the box of donuts before tossing them out the window, "That's it. I'm off sugar."

Now safe from the police pursuit, Brooklyn refolds his wings and spots some fellow bikers driving by, "Yes! Kindred spirits." He drives up alongside them.

"Hey, righteous hog, man," One complimented on his motorcycle.

"Glad you like it."

"Where'd you get it?" Another asked.

"My friends and l made it," Brooklyn answered. He then removes his helmet revealing that his horns were not apart of his helmet.

"What? lt's a freaking monster! Get him!" The first biker shouted before he and the rest go to attack Brooklyn.

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