The Mirror

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Perched on a rooftop across from the New York History Museum street, Demona watched the guards close the museum, locking and barring all the doors. Demona leaped from the roof with a determined grin on her face as the night guards were oblivious of her.

Inside the museum, the Captain of the Night Watch was briefing two recent recruits, who are Athena and Elisa undercover, on the proper procedure.

"Alright," The captain began, "The front doors are locked, the laser grid is on, and you go patrol inside."

The two walked into the museum as the captain shouted one final note at them.

"And don't get too close to the displays!"

In the darkened halls of the museum, the recruit passed by several historic exhibits including an ancient Incan statue and a large silver mirror. Elisa stopped in front of the mirror, striking a dramatic pose just for the fun of it and Athena chuckled. As they did this, they heard commotion off in the distance before they quickly went to investigate.

Demona tossed a male security guard across the museum, where he hit a bench and slumped. She then turned just in time to see Athena and Elisa aiming their guns at her.

"Police!" Elisa shouted, "Don't move!"

Demona's eyes glow red as she snarled, recognizing the recruits as Athena and Elisa.

"You, most useless member of a craven, puny race!" Demona yelled at Elisa before asking Athena, "My daughter, do you think you and this puny human can stop me?"

"Probably not," Goliath called out as he and Etrigan stepped out of the shadows and stood behind Elisa and Athena, "But we can."

Demona began backing away slowly, walking past the large mirror from before and up to the Incan statue. Demona scooped up the statue, hurling it at Elisa. Goliath quickly intercepted the large statue, placing it upright as Demona made a speedy retreat. The four followed closely behind her, only for Demona to attempt to topple another exhibit. Etrigan caught it before it shattered, giving Demona the time she needed to grab a spear from the Native American exhibit and leap out the window.

Following her out the window and into the courtyard of the museum, Goliath, Athena, Etrigan, and Elisa gave chase, leaving the museum unguarded. With all the guards out of the picture, two men in ski masks slipped through the skylight, sliding down in front of the large silver mirror.

"I'll say one thing for the lady," One thief commented, "She does her homework. Let's go."

The two thieves worked fast, wrapping the mirror safely in a tarp before binding it into place. Soon enough, they made off with the mirror.

Meanwhile, Demona continued to run, Goliath, Athena, Etrigan, and Elisa hot on her tail. She made it to the museum's outdoor display of an Egyptian monolith before turning to face her pursuers, spear in hand. Goliath and Etirgan bared their fangs as Elisa and Athena readied their guns.

With a cruel smile, Demona tossed the spear, aiming right at Elisa. Acting on pure instinct, Goliath shoved Elisa out of the way, catching the spear seconds before she was skewered. Demona used these scant seconds to climb to the top of the monolith, using it as her launchpad into the sky. As Demona disappeared into the night, Goliath and Etrigan went to pursue her, but Elisa and Athena stopped them.

"Let her go for now," Elisa suggested, "It's not like we can take her to jail without answering a lot of complicated questions."

"Don't worry. We'll get her next time," Athena said,

Goliath let out a sigh of disappointment but relaxed his stance, "At least Demona did not get the mirror."

Across town, a red van pulled up to a large imposing gate with the words 'Private. KEEP OUT' written across them. Rolling down the driver's side window, one of the thieves pressed a button on the gate's speaker. A security camera focused on his face.

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