Eye of The Beholder

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October 30th

Elisa and Athena were walking out of a store, each carrying two large bags in their arms. As they placed the bags in the back seat of Elisa's car, they heard a scream. They looked over at Wilkin's Grocery across the street. Something was thrown through the store window, breaking the glass as the store's door flew open, Mr. Wilkin's running away as fast as he could. The lights in the store then went out. Drawing their guns, the two made their way across the street.

Elisa and Athena peered into the darkness. Near the back of the store, they could hear the rattling of cans and other groceries. They slowly walked into the store, careful to avoid any of the fallen groceries. The noises got louder and louder until the two were certain they were close to whatever was in the store. The two took a breath before turning the corner and gasped at what they saw.

"Oh, man," Athena muttered.

A large creature that could only describe as some sort of werewolf was kneeling on the ground, tearing away what looked like Mr. Wilkin's whole chickens. Its fur was bright red, save for a strange blue patch over the thing's left eye. A metallic glint around the thing's neck revealed a sort of necklace, almost like a medallion of some sort.

"Police freeze!" Elisa demanded.

The creature snarled loudly at them before darting behind the store racks. Elisa and Athena went after the creature. They turned to the corner and aimed their guns past the rack, expecting to find the creature, but they didn't. The creature appeared next to them from the third rack, catching them by surprise. Its claw then swiped at them, knocking the gun from their hands. Elisa and Athena were backed up against the counter. The creature then swiped at them again, but the two dodged the claw and landed next to the stacked sacks of flour. Thinking fast, Athena threw the sack into the creature's face with an explosion of white powder.

As the creature wiped the flour from its face, Athena and Elisa scrambled for their guns. Just as they managed to find it, bright lights and police sirens gained their attention. They turned around, seeing a few cop cars were in front of the store and the cops aiming their guns at the store. Elisa and Athena quickly turned their attention back to the creature, but it had mysteriously vanished.

Later on, news vans arrived to report the most recent sighting of the creature that's been terrorizing New York since the beginning of the month. After giving their statements, Elisa and Athena were cleaning the flour out of their hair.

Morgan walked over to them and said, "Happy Halloween. I can't get through a shift without mopping up after that thing."

"Yeah. Every night's trick or treat in the Big Apple," Elisa responded before she and Athena got into her car and drove away.

October 31st

All through the streets of Manhattan, little children were running around in amazing costumes, arms laden with bulging sacks of candy. Far above them in the clock tower, the gargoyles began to awake from their stone slumber. Their stone skin cracked loudly before they awoke. Elisa, Athena, and Jason managed to get up to the clocktower and were able to watch the gargoyles wake up from the balcony doorway.

"Oh, Halloween! Tonight is the night. I can hardly wait," Lexington said as he jumped off his perch.

"We can walk around the streets, and nobody will know who we are," Brooklyn said with the same excitement as Lexington.

"Better yet, no one will know what we are," Broadway added.

"Hi, guys," Elisa said, gaining their attention as she approached them, "Got a minute?"

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