A Lighthouse In The Sea Of Time

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In Wales, one of the oldest parts of Great Britain and is said to be the location of the legendary Kingdom of Camelot, two Archeologists, Dr. Lydia Duane and Dr. Arthur Moorwood-Smyth, are in the middle of their greatest discovery. They had located a large mineshaft that dated back centuries. They were cautious as they moved through the caves because time had taken its toll and many of the tunnels had caved in.

"Duane!" Arthur called out, "Duane! I'm through!"

"We can't be too careful down here," She insisted as she made her way to him, "The whole hillside could collapse on top of us."

Arthur gave a nod as the two made their way deeper and deeper into the tunnels. Inside, they found what they could only describe as a lab fit for a master alchemist or a wizard that was alive centuries ago. The two smile at each other as made their way through the room, careful not to disturb anything.

Suddenly, the sound of a lyre playing drew their attention. The sound was drawing the two archeologists towards its source. They ventured deeper until they stumbled across a most alluring sight. There was a shining golden lyre that was playing itself.

"It can't be..." Arthur gasped.

"True magic..." Duane whispered.

Beneath the lyre sat a small wooden chest that, like the rest of the lab, was still in amazing shape despite the centuries of abandonment. Blowing away the dust and dirt, Duane discovered a golden plate on top of the chest's lid.

"Ancient Celtic..." Duane said in surprise.

"What does it say?" Arthur asked.

Adjusting her glasses, Duane read the inscription, "The seeker of knowledge need fear nothing here; the destroyer, everything."

Desperate to unlock the secrets inside, Duane opened the chest without a second thought. Once the lid opened, the room was flooded by swirls of blue light that wrapped around the two archeologists. They watched in frozen shock as the swirling light briefly look the form of an old man's face. After a moment, the light slowly faded, retreating into the chest. Once the last of the light was gone, both archeologists could move once more.

As they acted more carefully, they approached the chest and slowly lifted the lid. Inside, they could see wax-sealed scrolls.

"The Scrolls of Merlin," Arthur said in a reverent tone.

In the clocktower, after the sun had set, Lexington was reading a magazine aloud for the rest of the clan, Elisa, Athena, and Jason to hear.

"The Scrolls of Merlin are being taken to the Metropolitan Museum for further study." Do you think they were really written by Merlin?" Lexington looked up from the magazine in his hands.

"Athena, Jason, didn't you two know Merlin?" Elisa asked them.

"We did, indeed, Elisa," Jason answered.

"It was Merlin himself who found me and brought me to Camelot to train in magic. He even introduced me to Jason at a ball that took place the night after my arrival," Athena said.

"Merlin... He was a wizard, right?" Brooklyn asked, "Like the Magus."

"Yes," She answered, "He was a white wizard in our century."

"If you're interested, the library downstairs is full of books about him," Goliath added.

"Why stare at marks on a page? Rent the video," Broadway stated plainly after eating a hoagie.

"They aren't marks when you know how to read," Lexington said as he pulled a magazine out from under a sleeping Bronx.

"Well, I can't read, and I don't think I'm missing anything," He dismissed.

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