The Awakening Part Two

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Manhattan, New York. 1993 A.D.

At the 23rd precinct, Detective Athena Wyvern is sitting at her desk and on the phone talking when fellow Detective Elisa Maza walks up to her. Athena was playing with her necklace as she spoke on the phone. The silver chained necklace was attached to a silver coin with the bust of the Greek Goddess Athena on it. Athena had the coin since she was a baby and had it fashioned into a necklace a few centuries ago.

Athena notices Elisa, "Yeah, I should be home around eight at the latest. Love you too," She hangs up, "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing," Elisa answered with a cheeky smile.

"What's with the smile, Elisa?"

"It's just that you and Jason have been dating since our fourth year after graduating from the academy, which was almost five years ago, and he still hasn't asked you to marry him."

"We're taking things slow, and I'm fine with it, besides we have our whole lives ahead of us," She explained.

"That's sweet," Elisa said, "Oh, just to let you know that some of the other detectives have started a pool on when Jason will propose to you."

"What?" Athena questioned.

"Yeah, and I heard that some of the uniforms have joined. And the Captain told me that she wants to speak with you," Elisa told her.

"Thanks, Elisa," Athena got up from her seat and walked over to Captain Chavez's office, and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Athena opened the door and saw two other men. One was tanned with dark brunette hair, and the other was blonde with glasses," You wanted to see me, Captain."

"Yes, this is David Xanatos and his assistant Owen Burnett," Chavez introduced, "Xanatos said he has something he wanted to discuss with you. I'll leave you to discuss it." She got up from her seat and left the room.

"Oh, what is it?" Athena asked Xanatos.

"Perhaps we can discuss this somewhere more private, considering its private information," He explained.


"Because it's information concerning your family back in Scotland."

Athena's demeanor changed as she subconsciously touched the scar on her cheek that she had gotten the night before the massacre, "I know where we can discuss this. Follow me."

The three walked out of the office and walk into the broom closet. Athena shuts the door behind her and pulls down a hinged staircase. They climbed up the staircase that led up to the clock Tower that was above the precinct.

"Alright, now that we have some privacy. How do you know about my family?" Athena asked.

"Owen, if you please," Xanatos said. Owen then pulled a familiar old book from his briefcase and handed it to Xanatos.

"This is how," Xanatos showed Athena the book, and her eyes widened when she saw that it is Grimorum Arcanorum, "The Magus wrote down what had happened to you and your family."

"How did you find me?"

"Finding you was difficult, well, almost," Xanatos pulled a folder from the briefcase and gave it to Athena. When she pulled out the contents of the folder, she saw that they were historical photos of her from different times; she and other soldiers posing for a picture after winning a battle in both world wars, her at the Eiffel Tower when it first opened, her marching with Dr. King and his followers for civil rights, her and the Untouchables in 1930, her at the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the last two were clippings from newspapers. And in it, she was standing with several nurses outside the steps of a hospital holding infants, and next to her was Nurse Jean Ward in 1950. In the second one, she was in the physical therapy room assisting Nurse Elisabeth Kenny with a polio patient in 1939.

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