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Athena pulled herself into the clocktower through the wooden hatch door before helping Elisa in. Elisa had a headset in her hand for Lexington. Goliath and Lexington walked down to meet them.

"You're in luck, Lexington. Matt just got the call," Elisa tossed the headset and Lexington catches it before putting it on.

"Are they testing it out?" Lexington asked, excited.

"That's right," Elisa nodded.


"Testing?" Goliath asked.

"It's called 'RECAP', father," Athena explained as she and Elisa placed earpieces in their ears, " 'Reconnaissance Emergency Cyber-Automated Probe'. It's just a machine we use for dealing with high-risk situations."

"'Just a machine"? Huh! Just the latest in robotics technology hooked to virtual reality," Lexington said.

"Virtual reality?" Goliath asked, confused by what Lexington said.

"The next best thing to being there. Come on," Elisa said before she and Athena went down the ladder through the wooden hatch.

Outside the Golden Cup building, police cruisers, ambulances, and other emergency vehicles gathered near the front entrance. Medics gathered up all the staff that the police managed to successfully evacuate, loading the injured into the back of the ambulances. Within minutes, everybody was evacuated. Athena, Elisa, and Matt, along with the rest of the Manhattan police force, stayed behind to finish their job.

Across from the Golden Cup building, Goliath and Lexington watched from atop the roof. Matt stood by one of the large police vans, taking a large remote control in his hands and placing the connected visor onto his face. Elisa and Athena watch him with a hint of worry in their eyes.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Elisa asked.

"I didn't spend six months reading instruction manuals for nothing," Matt retorted playfully.

Matt began to maneuver the RECAP robot, that resembled a miniaturized Mars Rover.

"Besides, it's simple," Matt continued, "The virtual reality hookup transmits directly to this visor. I see everything RECAP does."

"I just hope you handle that vacuum cleaner better than a squad car," Athena teased him.

"How would you know? You never let me drive," Matt used the remote control to move RECAP out of the truck and up to the main door of the building. Athena quickly muttered a spell that would allow her to see what Matt is seeing through the visor.

Through RECAP's camera, Matt could see the deserted hallways, as well as the carnage wrought by the as-of-yet unseen intruder. He sent RECAP to the Server Room and saw Coldstone was attempting to escape from the building. Athena was in shock to see her uncle alive and not at the bottom of the Hudson River.

"THIS IS THE POLICE!" RECAP's loudspeaker broadcasted Matt's voice loudly, "STAY WHERE YOU ARE!"

Coldstone ignored RECAP's warning, advancing on the probe. Matt took this as a hostile force and had RECAP fire a tear gas grenade. It did little more than bounce off Coldstone's metal chest, and the gas didn't even faze the beast. It then caused Coldstone to become enraged and turn to RECAP furiously.

"Why did you bring me here only to attack me?!" Coldstone howled.

"Tear gas doesn't even slow it down!" Matt exclaimed.

Matt quickly realized that this situation was escalating too fast and quickly began trying to get RECAP out of there. Unfortunately, Coldstone was able to keep up with the robot, so Matt activated the tasers. These were much more effective than the tear gas.

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