Deadly Force

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It was night outside and at the 23rd precinct, Elisa and Athena are in Captain Chavez's office having a small argument.

"Come on, Captain. It's Dracon, and you know it!" Elisa argued, "Who else could it have been?"

"Look, Captain. Just give us a warrant and we'll drag that scum back here and-" Athena began.

"We've got no evidence," Captain Chavez told them, "He's bulletproof."

"Big surprise. What exactly was in that crate he stole?" Elisa asked.

Captain Chavez looks at the piece of paper on her desk, "Non-projectile weapon prototypes from Xanatos Enterprises."

"Non-projectile? You mean like lasers?"

At that moment, Owen enters the office, "Something like that detective. They are the latest design and high collimation charged particle beam technology. The laser is just for aiming, the particle beam itself is invisible."

"How many of these guns were stolen?" Captain Chavez asked Owen.

"Three-hundred and twenty-two of various styles, sizes, and power ranges," He answered.

"Great," Elisa mumbled before she and Athena headed toward the door.

"Where are you both going?" Captain Chavez asked.

"To do our job, Captain," Athena replied before she and Elisa left the office and went out to find Dracon.

Inside the Park Manor, Elisa and Athena wait for Dracon to show up. A short while later, they see him and his associates walking down the stairs. Elisa and Athena run up and confront him.

"Dracon!" Elisa shouted over the crowd.

Upon seeing Elisa and Athena, the four bodyguards went defensive but backed down after Dracon gave them a small wave. He stepped forward until he, Athena, and Elisa were almost eye to eye.

"Something on your mind, honeys?" Dracon asked, his voice dripping with malice.

"We have a few questions for you about that armed hijacking that took place earlier today," Elisa retorted, unfazed by his antics.

"Hijacking?" Dracon asked in mock confusion. "Sorry honey, but you got the wrong guy. I'm just a businessman."

The bodyguards began laughing, only angering Elisa and Athena more than they already were.

"I assume you have an alibi then?" Athena asked, slightly annoyed.

"I was with these guys, " Dracon replied, gesturing to his bodyguards. "We were out doing the town."

He walked pasts them with a smug smile on his face, followed one by one by his bodyguards, who each took turns smirking at Elisa and Athena. Elisa soon spoke up again, walking after the group.

"One of these days, you're gonna slip up Tony." She warned him. "And when you do, We'll be there."

Dracon stopped walking and turned back to them.

"Hey... I told you two, I'm not the guy." He told them, "And if I was the guy, you couldn't do a thing about it. In fact, if I were to tell one of my associates to go and sell off some merchandise to raise some operating capital, you couldn't do anything about that either. Face it, sugars. You got nothing."

With that, Dracon and his men walked off, leaving Athena and Elisa steaming with anger.

The two returned to Elisa's apartment, Elisa removes her jacket and her holstered gun and hangs both upon her coat rack. Her cat Cagney starts meowing at her and rubs lovingly against her leg.

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