The Awakening Part Five

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In Cyberbiotics' tower lab, the guards aim their weapons at Brooklyn, Lexington, Athena, and Broadway.

Brooklyn grins and shrugs before he says, "Sorry, wrong floor."

The guards open fire as they retreat back up the elevator shaft. Broadway opens the door to the floor above before the three and Athena dive into the hallway as the guards fire up the elevator shaft.

"Now what?" Lexington asked.

Athena's phone suddenly rings before she takes it out of her pocket to answer, "Hello?"

"Athena, it's me, Elisa. Listen, I found something interesting about the people who attacked me and Goliath the other night," Elisa told her.

"Listen, Elisa. I'm in the middle of something. Can we discuss this later?"

"I'll explain it to you and Goliath later tonight," She replied.

"Good. Bye," Athena hangs up.

In the lab on the fourth floor, the scientists nervously watch the door as an alarm sounds. Suddenly, part of the ceiling caves in, and the lights go out. The three Gargoyles and Athena drop in, and the lights come on. The technicians recoil as Broadway growls.

Brooklyn picked up a nearby scientist by the collar and asked, "Where's the disk?

The scientist point to a console. Lexington surveys the controls and finds the disk, "Got it."

The guards begin to come in the door but are blocked by Brooklyn," I think it's time to go."

Broadway picks up a large piece of equipment and hurls it through a window. The three fly with Brooklyn holding Athena, with the guards shooting at them from the tower.

Lexington rolls over in flight and shouts, "We did it!"

The three Gargoyles and Athena fly back to the Castle.

Not long after they arrived at the Castle, where Xanatos was waiting for them, Hudson and Bronx joined them. Soon, Goliath and Athena's mother arrive, and they hand over the disk to Xanatos.

"My friends, you have my profound thanks. Rest assured that the knowledge on these disks will be put to beneficial use for humans and gargoyles alike," Xanatos told them before walking away with the disk.

"l have promised to meet a friend. I'll be back soon," Goliath told his mate and turned to leave.

"A friend? Who?" She asks, "Not one of us."

"No. A human. Elisa Maza," He replied.

"I need to come with you, Father. Elisa said that there was something she wanted to tell us," Athena told her Goliath.

"Aside from Xanatos, we have no human friends. Nor should we. Humanity is our enemy, Goliath. l thought you learned that a millennium ago."

"l cannot make war upon an entire world," Goliath told his mate, "Doesn't Xanatos and our daughter prove that there are good humans, as well as bad?"

"Can you forgive the humans for what they did to our kind?" His mate questioned him.

"But, Mother, the ones responsible for our family's deaths have been dead for a thousand years," Athena told her.

"Then their descendants shall pay. l will have blood for blood," Athena's mother snapped at her.

Athena, never in all her life until now, became frightened by her mother.

"You said the centuries have changed me. They've changed you, too. You've become hard, unforgiving. You are not as l remember you. Our daughter and I are going to see our friend now," Goliath told her. He and Athena walk past her mother.

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