City of Stone Part One

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Late at night, cop cars surround a bank as there is a hostage situation inside. Terrorists are holding those inside the bank hostage for their cause since it was daylight. Elisa and Athena arrive at the scene and walk over to Matt before ducking behind a cop car with him. Three large lights shined at a window on the seventh floor of the building.

"This has gone on all day. We should go in," Matt said to Elisa and Athena.

"Uh-uh. They got confirmed IDs on the hostages," Elisa told him.

"Captain Chavez says to keep trying. They have to give up soon," Athena said.

Matt stood up and spoke through a blowhorn, "It's getting late. Tired people make mistakes. Let's stop right here before somebody gets hurt."

A female terrorist smashes a window with the butt of her gun, "We will never give in. Our cause is worth any sacrifice."

The terrorist then shoots at the hood of a few cop cars below. Matt, Elisa, Athena, and a uniformed cop ran away when the female terrorist shot the car they were hiding behind. Matt, Elisa, and Athena duck behind another vehicle.

"Think they're starting to see it our way?" Matt asked.

Athena looked up at the night sky and saw the silhouettes of the gargoyles and Etrigan created by the moon's light, "Not yet, but they will."

Inside the building, five people are being held hostage: A man, Brendan, a woman, Margot, and three little girls. The three girls wore the same outfit but had different hair colors. Luna had white hair, Seline had black, and Pheobe was blonde. Five terrorists were holding them hostage: A woman and four men. And the female terrorists was the one in charge.

"What are you gonna do to us?" Brendan asked.

"If our demands are met, nothing. If not..." The female terrorist answered.

"Please, just let us go," Margot pleaded.

"It'll be over soon," Phoebe said.

As if on cue, Goliath bursts through the wall behind one of the male terrorists. The male terrorist turns and points his gun at Goliath, but the gargoyle grabs the gun and breaks it in half as his eyes glow with rage. The terrorist tries to flee, but Goliath grabs him before throwing him against the wall, knocking him unconscious.

"It-it's a monster!" Brendan cried.

"Shoot it," The female terrorist ordered.

The terrorists fired at Goliath, but he quickly dodged their attack. When the terrorists thought they had cornered Goliath, the rest of the Manhatten Clan and Etrigan burst through the ceiling. Lexington, Brooklyn, and Broadway landed on the male terrorists, and Etrigan stood behind them.

The female terrorist runs into the giant vault and tries to close it, but Goliath grabs the door and pulls it open. Etrigan stands beside his father-in-law, and the two's eyes glow with rage.

"Stay back," The female terrorist told them before Etrigran grabbed her gun and crushed it into a ball. The female terrorist fell down as she backed away, "Don't hurt me."

"You have more to fear from your own cowardice than from us," Goliath told her.

Meanwhile, outside the vault, the others trapped each of the male terrorists in sacks. And a rope was wrapped around each of the terrorists' arms.

"Relax, folks. You're safe now," Lexington said as he walked to the hostages.

"Get away!" Brendan exclaimed as he used Margot as a human shield.

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