Thrill of the Hunt

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As Athena and Elisa drove in her car on their way to visit Athena's family, Elisa was asking Athena some questions.

"So, how did you and Jason really meet?" She asked.

"It happened almost a year after Castle Wyvern. I had begun to develop magic, but I didn't know how to control it, and I feared I would harm someone, so I lived in solitude. One day, I heard someone and told them to stay back, or else I would harm them. The man told me that I had nothing to fear and that he can help me control my magic. I asked how he knew, and he answered that he too has magic and introduced himself, 'Merlin'."

"Wait, 'Merlin'? As in the wizard from Camelot?" Elisa questioned.

Athena smiled, "The same. He took me to Camelot and introduced me to King Arthur, who welcomed me. For three years, Merlin trained me, and during that time, I fell for one of Arthur's knights, Sir Jason Blood. I told Jason who I was and what happened to me. I told him he should be with someone he can grow old with, but Jason said he didn't care and would gladly spend the rest of his life with me."

"That's kinda romantic," Elisa said.

"Yeah, it is," Athena agreed.

When they arrived and walked into the lobby of the Eyrie building, they were met by Owen.

"Detectives, please follow me. Your family and friends will be waking up soon," Owen told them. Elisa and Athena followed Owen to the elevator, he pressed a button, and it took them to the Castle.

When the doors opened and as they walked out, Elisa said, "l have to tell you, Mr.Burnett, we still surprised at being asked back here, seeing as how we busted your boss."

"Mr. Xanatos is not the sort to harbor a grudge, Detective Maza, and he wouldn't dream of denying you the opportunity of seeing your friends and Detective Wyvern her family," Owen told them as they walked up to the tower.

They reached the top and walked towards the statues as the sun sets. When the sun disappears, the stone skin began to crack, and the gargoyles woke up from their stone sleep with a roar.

"lf you'll excuse me," Owen said before leaving.

Goliath turns around and steps down from his perch, "Elisa. Athena. What a pleasant sight to greet us as we awaken."

"Well, it's a slow night, and Athena and I were in the neighborhood," Elisa told him.

"Good to see you again, lass," Hudson said as he and Bronx left.

"Catch you later," Brooklyn said before he, Broadway, and Lexington jumped off and glided away.

"They're in a hurry," Elisa commented.

"They are fascinated by the things they see on the television. Every night they rush to turn it on. But welcome to our home. Especially now that Xanatos has been defeated, and this Castle is truly ours once more."

"That's what we wanted to talk to you about. You know that Xanatos was only convicted of receiving stolen property."

"Convicted?" Goliath asked, confused.

"He was accused of that specific crime, and that's what he was sent to prison for," Elisa explained, "But he only got a six-month sentence, and we were lucky it wasn't suspended. His lawyers will probably get that time cut down. The point is that it's not safe here for you guys."

"What are you saying?" He questioned. Athena could tell by the expression on his face that he wasn't going to like the answer.

"What she's saying, Father, is that you'll have to find a new place to sleep during the day. A new home, Father," Athena told him.

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