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Athena and Jason were enjoying their night off from their jobs when Elisa called them and said that Lexington, Broadway, and Brooklyn had something to tell them. After they had paid for their dinner, Jason and Athena drove to the precinct and headed up to the clock tower. When everyone was there, the three gargoyles told them of their encounter with a feline-looking gargoyle.

"As soon as they left, we caught the first updraft back," Broadway finished the story.

"She was so frightened," Brooklyn said.

"Yeah. Of us," Broadway told Brooklyn.

"She needed our help," He argued.

"We talking about the same person? From where I sat, she didn't want our help."

"She wanted mine," Brooklyn insisted.

"Loverboy took this off her wrist," Broadway showed a bracelet to Elisa and Athena for them to examine.

"Well, it was a tracking device. Digital, long-range, expensive," Elisa explained.

"The symbol was on the ambulance, too," Broadway told

"Gen-U-Tech," Athena read the name on the collar.

The next day, Matt, Elisa, and Athena visited Gen-U-Tech. Doctor Sevarius greeted them and gave them a tour of his lab. Unfortunately, they didn't find anything suspicious and were forced to return to the precinct empty-handed.

After sunset, Elisa and Athena met with the gargoyles in the clock tower.

"I don't trust that Doctor Servatius," Elisa said while pacing back and forth. "He's hiding something. I know he is."

"Can't you arrest him?" Brooklyn demanded, sounding disappointed in their efforts.

"There's not enough evidence," Athena replied. "Without probable cause for a warrant, our hands are tied."

"Well, mine isn't," Brooklyn snarled, marching towards the balcony and took place on his perch before the sun rose and turned them to stone.

That night, Athena went up to the clock tower just as her family returned with the female feline gargoyle with the appearance of a lioness. The female gargoyle was slowly coming to. She rubbed her head and looked around, nearly screaming in fright at the sight of Bronx sniffing her. She backed right into Brooklyn, who tried to gently lift her.

"It's alright," He said softly, trying to comfort her, "You're among friends."

The gargoyle scrambled away, then noticed Athena among the group. In an almost desperate motion, she ran over to her, clinging to her arm.

"Where am I?" she asked.

"You're in the clock tower above the Manhattan precinct," Athena explained, gently pulling the female to her feet, "I promise you, you're safe. We mean no harm"

The female looked around at the Manhattan clan fearfully and tightened her grip on Athena's arm.

"Were they human once too?" she asked.

"No," Goliath said.

Brooklyn went to try and comfort her, but the female just clung to Athena tighter in fear. Athena wrapped her free arm around the woman.

"What's your name?" Athena asked.

"M-Maggie...." She replied. "Maggie Reed. I'm from Ohio..."

"You'll be safe here, Maggie," Lexington said.

"Safe?" Maggie replied, looking up from Athena's shoulder, "This isn't safe. I don't need to be safe. I need a cure. I'm not like this. I'm not a monster!"

Gargoyles: Daughter of two worldsWhere stories live. Discover now