Silver Falcon

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Athena was sitting in the library in her home with Jason in front of the fireplace. The couple sat in chairs that were next to one another with a grandover round end table between the chairs. Jason was reading a book on ancient Rome, while Athena was reading 'The Count of Monte Cristo' for the sixteenth time. But this time was different. As she read the book, Athena could not help but think of Demons and her need for vengeance against those who had betrayed her.

Their reading was interrupted by the sound of their doorbell. Athena placed a bookmark in the book before setting it on the table and standing up.

"I'll go see who it is," She said.

"I'll come with you," Jason said as he set the book aside and stood up, "Given the history of our enemies attacking us at our homes. I think it would be wise for you to have back up."

The two walked out of the library and over to the front door. Athan looked through the peephole and saw Elisa standing outside before she opened the door.

"Elisa, what are you doing here?" Athena asked.

"Chavez called. She said that Matt hasn't checked in forty-eight hours and I'm gonna go check" She replied, "Want to come with?"

"Sure," Athena replied before turning to Jason, "I'll be back soon. If anything changes, I'll let you know."

"See you then," Jason kisses Athena on the cheek before she and Elisa leave for Matt's apartment.

After a drive in Elisa's car, the two arrived at Matt's apartment building before standing in front of the door to his apartment. But unbeknownst to them, a masked man was in the apartment that is now trashed.

"Matt? You home?" Athena knocked on the door, "Matt! It's me, Athena. Elisa is here with me."

When no one responded, Elisa stood on her toes and felt the top of the door frame before finding a key for the door. In the apartment, the masked man takes out a gun and aims it at the door, ready to fire. But behind him, on the balcony, an inhumane shadowed figure wearing a trench coat and fedora. It was Broadway.

Broadway noticed the gun in the masked man's hand and opened the balcony door with a roar. The masked man turned around and dropped the gun when he saw Broadway charging at him. Hearing the noise inside, Athena and Elisa took out their guns before kicking down the door in time to see Broadway holding the masked man above his head. He then tossed the man through the door. Athena and Elisa ducked the masked man, who hit the hall wall behind them.

The masked man got up and began running away. Elisa and Athena aimed their weapons, but Broadway got in between them and the masked man.

"Got you covered, partner!" Broadway said before chasing after the masked man.

"He's been watching old detective movies, again. Hasn't he?" Athena asked Elisa.

"I'm afraid so," She replied.

The masked man ran into the elevator and pressed the button for the doors to close. Broadway quickly closed in on the masked man. The doors closed and Broadway rammed into them. The masked man was sent back against the inside of the elevator.

Broadway prided opened the elevator shaft doors before grabbing the cables, stopping the elevator from going down any further. Broadway then manipulated the cables, pulling the elevator up to him. In the elevator, the masked man watched as the floor numbers went up before it stopped a floor below Matt's apartment was on.

Broadway jumped atop the elevator before tearing off the escape hatch and roaring at the masked man as he jumped in. Meanwhile, Elisa and Athena arrive at the elevator. They quickly step aside as Broadway throws the masked man out into the hall. Broadway then hops out of the elevator shaft and stands in front of Elisa and Athena.

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