The Edge

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In Captain Chavez's office, Athena and Elisa were getting some news from the captain.

"Captain, this is a joke, right?" Elisa asked.

"No joke. l'm assigning you a partner. Since the investigators believe that you were the intended target, Wyvern won't be assigned a partner, but she will help you and your partner from time to time. Now that you're back on duty, we're gonna make sure you stay there,"

"You think l need protection? Getting shot, l mean, that was an accident."

This isn't open to discussion," Captain Chavez said as she walked toward the door to her office and opened revealing a man, who could only be the partner, "This is Detective Matt Bluestone. He worked with me to close the Dracon business."

Matt walked into the office and hold out Elisa's phone in his hand, "You dropped this."

"Thanks," Elisa said as Matt places the phone in her hand.

The three of them walk down the hallway after leaving the Captain's office.

"No offense, l'm sure you're a great cop. But l don't need a partner. And l don't want a partner. I got Athena if I need her," Elisa told Matt.

"Hey, l understand," He said, "Problem is, you have a partner. Me. Guess we have to just make the best of it."

"There must be some kind of conspiracy going on to make my life difficult," Elisa sighed.

"Wouldn't surprise me."

Athena looked at her watch, "Me and Elisa have something to take care of. We'll be back in a while, so just wait."

"l'll meet you outside in 20 minutes," Elisa added. Matt waved them goodbye as they walked up the stairs.

Elisa and Athena entered the broom closest and Athena pulled down the

Elisa looks over at the tv she had brought in and says, "You guys better appreciate this."

"I'll go up first and you'll follow behind," Athena told her as before the two went over and picked up the tv. As two carried it up the ladder, Broadway approached them.

"Let me help you, Elisa, Athena," He took the tv from them.

"Thanks, Broadway," Elisa and Athena said to him. A moment later, a remote control toy car drove by Elisa and Athena's feet. They looked behind them and saw Lexington with the controller.

"Neat toy, huh?" Lexington asked them.

"Yeah, slow it down or l'll give you a ticket," Elisa joked before asking, "Where's Goliath?"

"Down in the library," Broadway answered, "You staying for breakfast?"

"No, thanks. l gotta get back to work soon," She answered before leaving the clocktower. Athena stayed behind and helped her family with the tv and soon they had it working by the time Elisa and Goliath returned.

"Well, it's not a six-foot screen, but l hope it'll do," Elisa siad.

"lt's a grand gift, lass. Thank you," Hudson told her.

Brooklyn flipped through the channels with the remote before stopping when Xanatos appeared on the screen.

"Xanatos!" Goliath exclaimed. Brooklyn then turns the mute button off on the tv.

"This is Travis Marshall at the Museum of Modern Art, where one of the world's most priceless jewels, the Eye of Odin, is being donated by David Xanatos from his private collection.

This is quite a philanthropic act, Mr. Xanatos. The Eye is worth millions. To just give it away?" Travus asked him.

"Well, Travis, I just felt that the Eye should be shared with the world, instead of locked away in my personal museum," Xanatos answered before joking, "Besides, it's a great tax write-off."

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