Chapter 13.

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Chapter 13.


*Louise's thoughts/pov*

So i’m officially signed to Syco. Yaaaaay!

Simon has told us, well ordered us to go out to lunch while he goes just to confirm and talk to whoever he needs to talk to about me and such.

“Aren’t you just so excited to be signed to the same label as us?!” Niall exclaimed looking more excited than i even am myself.

“Indeed i am!” I shot him a smile.

“Well then why aren’t you jumping around like Niall?” Zayn smirked at me as we all got in the car.

“Yeah i’ll remember that remark later, need you know!” I sassed at him.

“NO ONE CAN BE SASSY BUT ME!” Louis screeched.

“Will you please be quiet Lou?!” Harry groaned while Louis gasped. Lord help us.

“You dare to demand things from THE Louis Tomlinson?! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!” He screeched like a posh old woman while Niall and i wet ourselves laughing at his childishness.

“Shut up Louis!” I said with laughter flowing from my mouth while he gasped again.

“And now my own twin is telling me to shut up! What have i done to deserve such hatred?! Why does the world hate me?! Why have the dark lords risen to this earth and taken-“

Louis’ voice faded in my mind as my thoughts drifted to Zayn..

I wish we didn’t have to hide our relationship. I just want to be able to cuddle him, kiss him, feel his large hand in mine without it having to be a secret! Stupid people causing dramas so that we have to keep our relationship hidden from the world.

I didn’t even realise i was staring at him until i snapped back into reality and found him giving me one of his noble smirks. I sent him a playful glare and turned my attention out the window to find that we arrived at some restaurant.

We all piled out of the car while i waited till last, seeing as the boys seem like they’ve been here before. I paid attention to the floor where my feet were walking, in my own little world until i ran into someone’s back. I looked up to see the victim and found Zayn looking down at me with his eyebrows raised.

“You know you should really watch where you’re going.” He smirked.

“And you should really stop smirking before someone slaps it off your pretty little face.” I smirked back, pushing past him and joining the boys at some random table.




I just want to go home. We went back to that office place and now Simon is sitting here ranting on about god knows what to the boys while i’m sitting here trying not to rip my fucking ears off. I like Simon but there is only so much Simon Ranting that a person can take!

“Did you get that Louise?”

“Huh, what?” I baffled.

“You and Harry are to fake date to get yourself out there to the public eye before you start releasing songs.” Simon demanded not looking up from some sort of folder.

“The public what? Why?!” I whined.

“There will be no questions asked. Just do as your told.”

How about no. Simon can i talk to you in private please?” I asked gritting my teeth together.

“You heard her boys- out.” He said still staring at that damned folder. The boys left the room and i went over and grabbed the folder from his hands while he boredly looked up at me.

“I can’t fake date Harry!” I whisper yelled.

“And why not?”

“Because i’m dating Zayn! Well we’re secretly dating- meaning no one knows, please don’t make me fake date Harry!” I begged.

“Fine. You are to fake date Zayn. I’m only allowing this because i see the way Zayn looks at you. It’s nice. He adores you. Also i allow this because you and Zayn may be more appealing to the public eye than you and Harry would. Plus Harry is pretty much the untouchable one in the band, all the girls love him and would end up murdering people if they found out he was dating someone.”

“Thankyou thankyou thankyou!” I praised Simon, hugging him. “Oh and thanks for your concern, you were just about to put my whole life in danger!” I hissed starting to head towards the door.

“Yeah, yeah. Have a nice evening Louise.” He smirked.

“Bye Simon!” I smiled grasping onto the door handle about to exit when he stopped me.

“Oh and Louise, expect a text from me sometime soon.”

You go alright Simon. You go alright.

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