Chapter 26.

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Chapter 26.



*Louise’s thoughts/pov*

“Excuse me?”

I still love you.” Zayn repeated.

“Well then why in the fucking fuck did you break up with me?! I’m sorry but i’m failing to believe that you still have feelings for me. You literally ignored me for who knows how long and made me think that you hated me and now you expect me to believe that you still love me? HAH, i don’t think so. I’m just going to walk my way back to the apartment.” I got out of the car. “Oh and how do you know whether or not i’ve fallen for someone else?” I closed the car door and started walking in what i'm hoping the direction of the apartment is until i heard singing..

“From the moment I met you, everything changed
I knew I had to get you, whatever the pain
I had to take you and make you mine”
I froze in my tracks and spun around.

“I would walk through the desert, I would walk down the aisle
I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile
Whatever it takes is fine”
Zayn walked towards me as he sang.

“I know your heart's been broken but don’t you give up
I’ll be there, yeah I know it, to fix you with love
It hurts me to think that you’ve ever cried”

“And I will steal us a caaar and we will drive to the stars
I will give you the moon, It’s the least I can do
If you give me the chaaance.”
He held my hands in his..

“Oh oh ohh oh
So put your hands up
Oh oh ohh oh
'Cause it’s a stand up
I won’t be leaving
Till I finish stealing
Every piece of your heart”

“'Cause you stole my heaaart
Call me a thief
But you should know your paaaart
I’m only heeere
Because you stole my heart”


Don’t forgive him. Don’t forgive him. Don’t forgive him. Don’t forgive him.

“You stole my heart Louise.”

“And i won’t give up until your mine again.”


LOUISE!” I looked behind Zayn to see Louis running over to me and Zayn. I never thought i would say this but i am SO glad that Louis interrupted us! “You need to come with me!” Before i could process anything that was happening i was over Louis’ shoulder being taken to god knows where..




It turns out Louis brought me back to his and Harry’s and partly my apartment and we are currently sitting on the couch. I’m actually slightly glad that he took me away from Zayn.

No one has ever done that for me. He literally sang to me in the street with meaningful lyrics. If Louis didn’t take me away from him i would have probably died then attacked him in hugs and kisses. Even though i shouldn’t forgive him that easily, what he just did made me all mushy and lovey and just feely.

I don’t even know how to explain it but i could die.

Yeah, that pretty much sums up my emotions at the moment.

“LOUISE!” I looked to see Louis’ hand waving around in my face so i smacked it away.

Yes?” I raised my eyebrows while he looked somewhat nervous..

“I need to tell you something..” He sighed. “I’m not sure how your gonna take it but i can’t help it so yeah..” Now i’m concerned.

“You can tell me anything Lou, i’m your twin!” Wait, i’m not even supposed to be talking to him! He doesn’t want me to care remember! *sigh* I’ll just let it go for the time being because this seems important.

“Well uh, let me start off with telling you how sorry i am about when i snapped at you. It was uncalled for and i was being a dick. I apologize and hope you can forgive me?” He looked at me hopefully. How can i not give in to that accent and that pouting face?!

“I forgive you.” I smiled.

“Okay, good. Now onto the other thing.” He fidgeted with his hands in his lap then looked up into my eyes. “I have recently discovered something. It may not be a good something but it feels good to me. It feels right and i completely understand the reaction your probably about to give me but-“ Where on earth is this conversation even leading to?

“I love you.”




“Excuse me?” Hopefully i heard him wrong.. He can’t love me! He’s my twin, he’s Louis! Not that there’s anything wrong with Louis but it’s just- sdjklflksjflks! I’m honestly so baffled right now. I thought that the time when he kissed me on the London Eye was just because he had a tiny crush on me, not because he bloody loved me! Good god.

“I love you.” He repeated. Yeah i kinda got that.

“But- how- what?” I blurted out. I can’t even talk, i’m so shocked right now.

“That time when i kissed you i thought it would get rid of my tiny crush on you, but instead my plan kind of backfired and now i want you more than ever..” What in the- “When you sang to me when i was in the hospital i think i fell for you even more.. You cared about me so much and stayed there with me and you didn’t even eat because you wanted to make sure i was alright first. Eleanor didn’t even come to see if i was alright!” He exclaimed frustratedly.

“Lou, you can't love me, you have Eleanor.” I said softly.

“I did have her. Not anymore.” What?! “She broke up with me.” Oh... “But now i know for a fact that i want to be with you. I want to be the one you come to with your problems, i want to be the one who’s there to comfort you whenever you’re feeling like shit, i want to be the one who gets to wake up to your beautiful face every morning-“ He caressed my cheek with his thumb. “And i want to be the one who gets to do this whenever he wants.” He pushed his lips softly onto mine..

And the strange thing being

I liked it.

:o I think i’m starting to ship the twins together.. Louis is too cute! But let me know what you thought and comment, vote ect! :D <3

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