Chapter 22.

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Chapter 22.



*Louise’s thoughts/pov*

“They look so cute! Take a picture!” *click*

Yeah, sure.”

“Why are you so grumpy?”

I’m not!

“Yes you are. I think someone’s jealousssss!”

I am not, shut up!” *thump*



“Shhh you guys! Your gonna wake them up!”


I heard all these familiar voices while i groaned and snuggled deeper into whatever part of Louis i’m close to.

“Too late!”

I squinted my eyes open and lifted my head off of what seems to be his chest to see the boys standing around the room with huge smiles on their faces.. I groaned once again and put my head back down on Louis’ chest. I was falling back asleep until someone kept poking me. I ignored it until i couldn’t bare it anymore. I shot my eyes open and looked to see Liam standing there with a smile. I thought he was the mature one?

Can you not?” I glared at him. He put his hands up in surrender and laughed. “Thankyou, now if you don’t mind i’m going back to sleep.” I laid back down on Louis’ chest.

“Obviously someone isn’t a morning person..” I shot up once again and glared at all the boys in front of me and got out of the hospital bed, rubbing my eyes.

“I’m up now! You can all shut the fuck up and stop annoying me!” I hissed and plopped down on the hospital chair with a frown.

How did you wake up to this every morning?” I heard Niall, not so whisper to Zayn and rolled my eyes. I’m glad they at least let Louis sleep in.

I found myself falling asleep in the chair until Niall’s irish accent brought me back to reality.

“So anything interesting happen while we were gone?” Should i tell them Louis died? Or is it too early to announce that..

“What’s the time?”

“Uh..” Liam looked down at his watch. “9:53, why?”

“Just wondering.” I shrugged.

“Are you gonna answer my question?” I looked to see Niall looking at me with an amused expression.

“Oh, right! Not really, more of something horrifying and heart- stopping worthy..” I trailed off.

“Louise. What happened?” Liam asked looking at me sternly while i sighed.

“He died.” I whispered.

“Why are you whispering? Talk louder!” Niall whined.

“He died.” I looked down at the floor awkwardly.

“HE WHAT?!” Harry and Liam screamed at the same time.

“Louis wake up!” Liam shook him and he shot up flinging his eyes open instantly then groaning in pain.

Liam you idiot! He was just shot and in surgery now look what you did!” I scolded him rushing to Louis’ side, adjusting the bed so he could sit up. “There you go Lou.” I smiled at him.

“Thanks.” He smiled back sleepily. “Hey lads!”

“He died?!” Zayn asked in disbelief.


“WHY DIDN’T YOU CALL US?!” Liam screamed. He is not happy..

“I don’t know.” I whispered taking a step back slightly.

“Liam shut up, you’re scaring her!” Louis hissed.

“Sorry, but if he died how is he still alive?”

“Well last night i sat in the room talking to him while he was unconscious then i sang a song and he gripped my hand, and i was so happy that he was conscious then all of a sudden his heart monitor stopped. I got all the nurses that i could and i wasn’t allowed to be in the room so i sat in the waiting room and sang a song about someone dying thinking that Louis was dead then a nurse came to me saying he was alive, so yeah..” I breathed out heavily. “I guess they did everything they could to save him and it worked.” I shrugged.

“Why were you in his hospital bed?” Harry asked, i noticed Zayn scowl a bit when he asked..

“He was cold so i laid with him and sang him to sleep.”

“You never sang me to sleep!” Harry whined.

“Yeah!” The rest of the boys chimed in.

“You never asked?”

“Should we have?”

“Uh, yes?”

“Fair enough.” Harry shrugged. “Well when can Lou get out of this depressing place?”

“I don’t know, i left that up to you guys cause your practically like his brothers.” I smiled.

“Okay, we’ll be back soon love.” Liam dismissed the rest of the boys out of the room then stopped at the door looking back at me. “Make sure he doesn’t die a second time!” He said sternly.

Wouldn’t dream of it Li, i wouldn’t dream of it.



Hiiiiiii, i don’t really know what to say.. but comment, vote ect! And if you have any suggestions or who you ship Louise with, let me know! <3

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