Chapter 37.

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Chapter 37.

*Louis’ thoughts/pov*

I put the hotel phone down and continued sitting on the kitchen bench. I ordered breakfast for Louise and i so when she wakes up she’ll hopefully be distracted by the food enough not to kill me.

Why you may ask? Well i pranked her. I drew all over her with permanent marker, hid all of her luggage and covered her body in whipped cream. I got bored so i decided to do it. It’s probably going to end up being something i regret but you know, you only live once right? I can’t believe i actually used yolo. Ugh. The real reason why i did it was because she lied and slept on the couch last night. I felt so bad that she’ll probably wake up sore and jetlagged so i guess now that i think of it, i shouldn’t have pranked her..

Eh, i’m a boy, apparently we do stupid shit.

What the fuck?!” I take it that Louise has awoken from her lovely slumber and found her new cream coating.. Oops? To run or go watch her reaction when she finds out it was me.. Hm..

“Morning love!” I chirped. Yeah, i chose the second option. “What happened to you?” I stifled a snort of laughter that was threatening to spill at the face she was making.

“What even is this?!” She groaned staring at the cream all over her clothes. “How the fuck should i know what happened to me Louis?!” She hissed. “I was happily sleeping and enjoying it when i woke up and found myself covered in what i’m going to assume is cream..”

“Oh..” I bit my lip in attempt to stop myself from smirking. “That’s no good.”

“Mmhmm.” She stood up from the couch. “I’m going to shower. Try and get this shit off me.”

Phase two of my prank will soon be discovered. She has no clothes to wear.

*Louise’s thoughts/pov*

I looked at my half naked body in the mirror only to find drawings and scribbles all over my arms, face and neck.. What the hell. So first i wake up covered in cream, now i’m covered in children’s drawings? Ugh.

I bet Louis is behind this.

After a while i finally got all the cream off of me and all the writing, which hurt seeing as i had to scrub it off.

I wrapped the towel i found in the bathroom around myself and walked out into the hallway and to the lounge room in search of my suitcase when i couldn’t see it anywhere.. I could have sworn i left it here last night! I didn’t go anywhere else in the suite..

God. This is not my morning.

“Hey Louis?” I called out, soon being greeted with the smiling face of Louis until his eyes started trailing over my body.. Ugh. Even his pervertedness at this hour of the morning gives me butterflies. “Have you seen my suitcase?”

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