Chapter 19.

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Chapter 19.



*Harry’s thoughts/pov*

Harry you’re an absolute nutter! Get down from there!” Louise scolded me while i continued to run along the chairs, yelling song lyrics at the top of my lungs.

“WHENEVER YOUUUUUU KISSSSS HIMMMMM, I’MMMM BREEEAKKKIIINNNNGGGG- OH HOW I WISH THAT WAS MEEEEEEEE!” I screamed as loud as i could before being pulled off the seats by Louise. I stood looking down on her with a huge smile on my face. “Don’t you like my singing love?” I asked with a smirk. She’s so amazing. I wish she knew how much i actually care about her. I mean i’ve told her before how i feel about her but that was a long time ago.. She probably doesn’t even remember.

“I never said i didn’t like your singing but when you’re going around screaming-“ She paused running over to the seats i was just running along and started running along them. “WHENEVER YOUUUUUU KISSSSS HIMMMMM, I’M BREEEAKKKIIINNNNGGGG- OHHH HOW I WISH THAT WAS MEEEEEEEE!” She mimicked me. Stopping and standing on the seats staring down on me. “That isn’t the best of things that my ears want to hear.” She finished with a smirk.

Must. Resist. Urge. To. Kiss. Her!

I pulled her off the seat and spun her around while she laughed her beautiful laugh as i spun her around. I wonder what she would do if i kissed her..

I put her down on the ground and just stared into her eyes while she returned the gesture with a big grin on her face. Should i kiss her?

I started leaning my face towards hers and closed my eyes only to find my lips to come in contact with something that was in fact, not her soft lips.. I opened my eyes to find her standing there with a big smirk on her face. Before i could even say anything she was already running off through the park. Hm. I wonder if Zayn ever did this with her.. I feel terrible about Zayn breaking up with her because it was my fault. But she doesn’t even seem affected by it AT ALL..

Maybe i do have a chance with her after all?

I looked around in search for her and found her nowhere in sight.. Crap.. I really shouldn’t get so caught up in my thoughts.

But knowing her she’s probably hiding somewhere..

“ONE WAY OR ANOTHER I’M GONNA FIND YA, I’M GONNA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA!” I shouted running through the park looking for her. I saw a slight movement behind a tree on my left and started running towards it, tripping in the process and knocking whoever was in my way to the floor with me on top of them. I opened my eyes and found Louise underneath me.. Well would you look at that.. How convenient. Well then who was behind the tree? Eh. Probably paps.

“Found ya!” I purred in her ear.

“Get off me pervert!” She laughed wiggling underneath me.

“Hey! I don’t go around calling you offensive things!” I whined propping myself up so i was sitting on her waist.

“No you just go around trying to rape me!” She replied sarcastically.

“It’s not rape if you enjoy it!” I wiggled my eyebrows at her while she rolled her eyes. Those beautiful eyes. Ugh, i just want her to be MINE! Mine and no one else’s!

Before i knew what was happening i was plummeting towards the ground. Actually i wouldn’t say plummeting because technically i’m on the ground already.. So i was pushed further onto the ground.

“Come on Harry!” I saw Louise standing up and walking away leaving me on the floor baffled. This girl surely is something. I jumped up dusting myself off and jogging over so i was walking next to her.

“So where are we going boss?” I asked playfully nudging her shoulder.

“You’re the one taking me on an adventure Styles!” She nudged me back. I just chuckled and we walked in a comfortable silence on the streets of London. I like it here. It’s nice. It can get a bit cold but it’s nice.

One way or another i’m gonna find ya, i’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha.” I heard Louise singing under her breath. I really do love her voice. We continued walking along the footpath and were coming up to a street corner. I’m so familiar with this it’s not even funny. I enjoyed the nights silence as we walked happily getting closer and closer to the familiar corner.

“KEVIN!” Someone screeched jumping out from around the street corner. Louis. I jumped probably 2 feet in the air and sent him a glare while he was in hysterics laughing so hard that he was rolling on the floor.. Literally.

“What the hell is wrong with you?! I thought i was going to die!” Louise hissed angrily clutching her chest. “What are you even doing frolicking around at this hour of the night?!” She glared at Louis who finally stopped laughing and got up off the cold pavement, dusting himself off. He looks a tad disorientated.. His eyes are slightly bloodshot and he looks a bit flushed.. Has he been drinking?

“Stalking you guys obviously!”

*Louise’s thoughts/pov*

Stalking you guys obviously!” Louis shrugged as if it was the most normal thing in the world.. Wut..

“What?” I blurted out probably looking like a complete idiot with the face i’m most likely pulling. “Louis that shit is not normal!” I exclaimed. “I’m sorry but you need jesus.”

“Well sorry for wanting to keep an eye on my twin!” He protested pouting.

“Keeping an eye on and stalking are two very different things Louis!” I protested back.

“ONLY JIMMY CAN PROTEST!” He screeched once again giving me another heart attack.

“Can you not?! I’m almost certain i’m gonna have an actual heart attack sometime soon! I have chest pains at this very moment!” I sighed trying to get rid of the pains that have appeared. Hopefully it doesn’t lead to an actual heart attack..

“Here- let me get rid of them for you!” He smiled genuinely. And just when i thought he was about to be serious and helpful for once, he grabbed my boobs in his hands in what i think is an attempt to massage them. What the fucking fuck?! I was in so much pure shock and horror that it took me a while to actually register what had happened and pushed him away from me as hard as i could.

“Louis!” I hissed. My eyes were probably as wide as saucers. “What kind of fucked up individual are you?! What goes on in your clearly diseased brain that makes you think that something like that is okay?!” I shouted at him. “You are an absolute fucking atrocity! I was joking around before but you actually really do need jesus! There is no reason in god's green earth for you to do that! Like what the fuck- i can’t even, you make me sick!” I spat in pure rage.

Before i could continue on my rage i heard what sounded like a gunshot come out of nowhere and at that moment in time everything just seemed to go in slow motion.

I turned to face where the noise had come from and everything felt like it froze and i could literally see the bullet flying through the air and before i knew it i was snapped back to reality by the horrific sound of Louis screaming in sheer terror and pain.


He’s been shot.

Well was that intense and dramatic enough for you lovelies? o.o is Louis gonna be okay?! D: hope you all liked the chapter and comment, vote ect! <3

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