Chapter 1.

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Kidnapped by one direction. THE SEQUEL!

Chapter 1.

So uh... I’M BAAAAAAAAACK! And i brought with me... A SEQUEL! WOOH! Enjoy! ;) xo

*Louise’s thoughts/pov*

So it’s been a just about a year since i left the boys to go back to my old life.

A year since my life turned to absolute shit.

A year since I’ve had any contact with the boys and through that whole year I’ve missed them. Lack of communication.

Not a word to me has been said, tweeted, texted, called, skyped- nothing. I don’t just blame the boys though because it is partly my fault. I didn’t bother to communicate with them either. I’ve pretty much cut off from everything and anything to do with them! I don’t want to know about them or of them. I don’t even want to know where they are right now, so that's probably why i wouldn't know if they tried to communicate with me. But aside from the boys and their perfect little lives. Ever since i left my life has literally turned to shit.

My parents kicked me out of home for a reason i myself don’t even know, i don’t have friends nor do i have a boyfriend and to top it all off i’m a fucking prostitute! Yes i know what you’re thinking- it’s wrong, you’re a slut, you have aids and shit like that- but it’s not what it seems. I haven’t done anything sexual seeing as i just recently got the job but i’m still a virgin who hasn’t done any of that but apparently today that all changes.

I’m actually really scared! I’ve always been scared to lose my virginity because apparently it hurts at first.. I know i sound like a wuss but it’s the truth. Well to add to my nerves I’ve just arrived at the apartment.. I wasn’t told who it was or how old they even were but i was told to use the room key i have, walk inside and “flirt” until one thing leads to another and BOOM i’m a prostitute. Lovely right? *note my sarcasm*

I walked up to the apartment door i’m supposed to be at and the number is ‘6969’... That just makes this even more nerve-rackingly creepy! I used the room key i was given and went inside only to hear the faint voices of more than one person.. I WAS NEVER TOLD ANYTHING ABOUT MORE THAN ONE! Ugh.

I think i’m gonna be sick. I walked in silently and sat on the couch waiting for someone to walk in when someone did walk in and it was someone i never expected to see in my life again!


“TWIN! I’VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!” He screamed in shock sprinting over to me and hugging me so tight that i could barely breathe.

“And I’ve also missed breathing so get off me!” I replied not being able to keep the smile off my face.

“I would love to catch up but i kind of have someone coming around like now...” He replied sadly and awkwardly.

“Is that person a she and a prostitute?” I asked nervously.

“Um... Nope!” He replied clearly lying.

“Louis. Tell me the truth. I’m still your twin!” I tried to convince him using the twin card..

“Fine. Yes it is!” He looked down embarrassed.

“Well this is awkward...” I trailed off looking down at the floor ashamed of myself.


“I’m your prostitute.”

What did you guys think of the first chapter back? I know it wasn't the best start but the sequel get's better! <3

Kidnapped by one direction. THE SEQUEL!  (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now