Chapter 14.

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Chapter 14.

*Louise’s thoughts/pov*

“So Simon said that you and Zayn are supposed to ‘fake date’ now instead of you and Harry?” Liam questioned while we all sat lazing around the lounge room of Harry and Lou’s and apparently my flat.


“Why?” Ugh. Of course he’d ask why.

“Cause he said that me and Zayn would be more appealing to the public eye.” I shrugged. “Also the fact that Harry’s apparently the untouchable one in the band and your fans would murder me if they thought he was taken..”

“UGH!” Harry groaned. “How do they expect me to find that special flipping girl if i’m apparently the untouchable one here! THAT’S BALONEY!” He exclaimed storming off..


“I’ll go talk to him.” Louis cut me off. Well then..

“And then there were four!” Niall laughed at himself causing me to laugh with him.

“Louise can i talk to you outside for a minute?” I looked over to Zayn to see him giving me a look.

I just got up and walked straight towards the front door.

“And then there were two!” I heard Liam laugh along with Niall.

I got outside the front door waiting for Zayn when he came minutes later shutting the door behind him. He stood in front of me smiling while i raised my eyebrows in response.

“Walk with me.”

Walk with you?" I frowned in confusion.

"Yes. Walk with me." He repeated.

"No.” I smirked.

“Please?” He did a puppy dog face.

“Sorry but i don’t feel like being mobbed by paps.”

“It’s night and they don’t know where Harry and Lou live!” He whined.

“Fine.” I entwined my hand with his and we walked off.




“This is so breathtaking.” I said looking at the lake in front of us. The moonlight shone down perfectly reflecting off the surface of the water.

“Not as breathtaking as you.” I looked to my left to find Zayn smiling.

“You are literally the most seedy and cliché person i have ever met!” I laughed.

“And you are the most cliché person to ruin a cute moment!” He retorted causing me to laugh harder when i felt myself being pushed backwards onto the grass with his body straddling me.

“You’re also a rapist.” I laughed once again. Shit i’m in a giggle fit tonight aren’t i!

“How am i a rapist?” He gave me a look of fake shock.

“Well you brought me here alone with no one around and are now sitting on top of me.” I smirked. “You put the pieces together genius.” I poked his forehead.

“So what you’re saying is that i can’t take my girlfriend to a nice secret scenery wanting it to be sweet without other peeping toms around and can’t straddle her which causes me to be automatically classified as a rapist?”


“You’re a ninny.” He retorted.

I’m a what? How old are you- 80?” I questioned wetting myself laughing.

“For a matter of fact, i am.” He stated smugly.

“You sir- are an idiot.”

“You’re an idiot.”

“No you’re an idiot!”

“No. You’re an idiot!”

“No, your-“

I was cut off my Zayn’s lips on mine. I smiled automatically and felt him smile back. I felt him shift his position so he was holding himself up by his elbow with one hand softly sitting on my cheek. I felt the butterflies erupt in my stomach as he licked my bottom lip for entrance. I immediately granted it while our tongues battled. He slowly pulled away and just before he opened his eyes i leant up and gave him a small soft kiss, biting softly on his bottom lip as i pulled away.

That is so sexy.” He groaned with an unreadable expression on his face. I didn’t know what to reply so i just winked instead.




*Louis’ thoughts/pov*

And out of all people it had to be him! She rejected even fake dating me to Simon so what makes you think that i’m going to make her love me in real life now!” Harry angrily exclaimed. We have been going over this for the past half hour and he obviously isn’t changing his opinion any time soon! This boy is so stubborn.

“Look Haz, i know you still love her but i also know that Zayn does too. You just need to give it time.” I replied trying to be as helpful as possible.

“But why did she choose him?! I could have been her fake boyfriend!”

“You heard what she said- Simon said it’s better if you stay single. Plus maybe she chose Zayn because she felt sorry for him- i mean last time she saw us you went ape shit on him..” I replied with a soft expression.

“No she doesn’t! She chose him because she loves him too! Don’t try to deny it because i know for a fact that you see it too! There’s no way that she’s ever going to like me so i might as well start accepting the fact that i’m alone forever!” He shoved his face into his pillow and groaned.

“Harry shut up! You don’t know anything is real at the moment because they are FAKE DATING. If you feel that your chance with her is going to be ruined then woo her or become close friends with her and slowly, gradually make your move. You and i both know Louise well enough so therefore we both know she’s not that easy to win over but try. OR you could go for the all time old school movie move and get in a fake relationship with someone else to try make her jealous.” I tried to boost my best friends confidence. Poor little Hazza. “But i suggest you go with the other options rather than the last one..” I added.

“Hm. You have a point Lou.” He pulled his face out of the pillow with a smirk. Oh great.. “See this is why i love you BooBear!” He exclaimed hugging me.

“Yeah yeah, love you too. Now let’s get back to everyone before Liam has a seizure!” I ran out of the room before he could respond.

So that was a pretty poop chapter but yeah.. thanks for reading and comment, vote ect! :D xo

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