Chapter 39.

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Chapter 39.

(Press play on the side and if the song finishes somewhere in this chapter just press repeat hahah)

*Louise’s thoughts/pov*

“You literally hated us when you first met us!”

“I did not! I was actually what you’d call a ‘directioner’ but you know, when you get kidnapped it doesn’t exactly put you in a pleasant mood. Plus, you irritated me.” Louis’ smile disappeared and was replaced with his mouth being hung wide open. I bit back a smirk and raised my eyebrows at him.

“How dare you! You were so not a directioner!” He looked at me with his eyebrows raised. “And how did i irritate you?! I THOUGHT WE WERE TWINS!” He put a hand over his chest while i laughed at the face he was pulling.

“I was too! And Lou, everything you say is irritating so therefore it wasn’t that hard for you to annoy me.” His eyes went wide and i kept my poker face. “In fact, i’m not quite sure i even want to be your twin anymore you’re that irritating.” He shot up from his chair and i looked at him in shock.

Well you know what Louise?!” Oh shit.. He’s mad at me.. I was only joking around! I didn’t mean to make him angry! “I think you need a bath, to wash those filthy insults from your body!” His face turned into a mischievous expression so i did the only thing that could save me at this moment in time, i ran!


I was running for not even a few seconds when Louis had scooped me up into his arms so he was holding me bridal stride and walking towards the water..

“No Louis! No! I know what you’re thinking and lord behold, if you dare put me in that water-“

“What will you do babe?” He stopped walking and stared into my eyes. I was almost distracted by the fact he just called me babe and also the fact that his eyes look amazing reflecting off the ocean, but kept my poker face. Wait- the ocean?! I looked to see Louis’ bare feet just being covered by the shallow water.. Oh no. When did he even take off his shoes?!

“You don’t want to know, just don’t put me in the water!” I locked my arms around his neck. “I’m sorry! I apologize for insulting you with my filthy insults!” He looked amused at my panicked state. I have nothing really against the water, i just don’t think i’d fancy getting my clothes and not to mention my shoes drenched in it.

“Oh but look how far i’ve come! It’d be a shame if i just chased you and brought you over here for nothing.” He looked down at me with a smirk.

“Louis William Tomlinson, i swear to god if you dare to put me in there i won’t talk to you for the rest of your damn life!” I hissed through gritted teeth.

“But i want to have a swim with you.” He pouted walking slightly further into the water.

“Louis, i’m warning you! Do not move one step deeper into that water!” My grip around his neck tightened. “Please.” I begged giving him puppy dog eyes which didn’t change his mischievous smirk whatsoever. Shit. Today is clearly the day i’m going to die. “Please Louis! Okay, i’ll swim with you! I promise! But i have to go take off my shoes first okay?!” He smiled a winning smile and walked back to the dry sand.

Kidnapped by one direction. THE SEQUEL!  (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now