Chapter one - The broken picture

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Jacks POV

I was sitting reading a book when I heard my boyfriend, Jake calling my name. I closed my book and set it on the table next to me.

I walk into the kitchen, it was pretty clean besides the dishes I forgot to do yesterday. Shit. Jakes gonna be pissed. I already knew that's why he called me.

"Yeah?.. What d-do you need.?" I muttered, playing with my fingers, staring down.

"What the hell is this?" He pointed to the dishes.

I had been busy all night cleaning the rest of the house that I forgot to wash the dishes. "I-I..." But I didn't get to finish. I felt an all too familiar burning on my cheek. Hot tears stained my eyes.

"Next time, do what your told." He scolded me. I nodded stepping back a little.

"What else did you forget you little shit?" He grabbed my wrist.


I paused, remembering I forgot to do the last load of Landry. "I.. forgot to do t-the Landry.."

We were close enough I that I could smell the beer on his hot breath. I winced knowing he would hit me again, closing my eyes.

Instead of slapping me he pushed me. I stumbled back into the counter, knocking a photo of him and his friend mark. I froze. To scared to move.

Please just let him leave.

Please don't let him hit me.

He grabbed the collar of my shirt, pulling me over to him.

"I..." I tried to speak, but I couldn't.

Hot tears filled my eyes as they slid down my cheek. "You're such an idiot!" He yelled, slapping me to the ground.

I was curled in a ball on my side hoping, he'll stop.

Suddenly we heard foot steps coming down the stairs.

"Is everything alright? I heard yelling." Mark, Jakes good friend, and roommate said, walking down the stairs.

Jake put on a smile and said "Everything's alright, Jack just knocked this picture over."

Mark tried to look over the counter to look at me.

I quickly sat up, picking up the pieces, facing away from Mark.

I quickly tried to dry my tears as best as I could pulling my hoodie sleeves over the bruise forming on my wrist, from Jake grabbing me.

I threw the trash away, Mark trying to ask Jake if I was alright. Jake just insisted I was fine and tried to get him to leave and watch TV with him.

"I think I'll help Jack." Mark said, in a calm tone.

Jake rolled his eyes. "Fine man." He grumbled. Grabbing a can of beer from the fridge and walking into the living room.

"Jack? Why have you been so quite?" Mark asked, calmly.

I stayed silent and put the frame and picture on the counter, trying not to look upset.

"Jack.." Mark said, now next to me.

I faced the sink while he faced me.

"I'm.. gonna finish the dishes." I said not looking at him.

Suddenly I felt a warm hand on my left arm. "Jack." He said calmly, concern in his voice. "What's wrong?"

I blinked a few times, not wanting to cry.

Mark turned me to my right. "Hey. Why aren't you talking?" He spoke with kindness. He was quiet, and reassuring.

I suddenly felt tears form in my eyes and I turned around.

I stared down at my hands. Feeling a hand on my shoulder.

"Jack what's wrong."

"I-I..." I tried to talk but couldn't. I couldn't tell him.

"How about I do the dishes. You can go rest." He gently placed his hand on my wrist. I winced.

My wrist was in a lot of pain, even the lightest touch, hurt.

He pulled his hand away seeing my reaction.

"Does you wrist hurt?" He asked, about to move my sleeve.

I quickly pulled my arm away. "No! I-I.. I'm.. my wrist is fine." I muttered.

He looked at me, then gently grabbed my arm. "Let me see." He said in a gentle voice.

"N-no.. Mark! I'm fine, really." I said, hot tears staining my cheeks. I knew he didn't believe me.

He moved me to the corner of two counters. "Jack, let me see." He said in a gentle, but stern voice.

I did nothing but nod silently.

He rolled up my sleeve. When he saw the bruise, his jaw dropped. I was facing down. More tears running down my face.

"Jack.. what happened."

"I.. fell.." I lied. I knew it was a bad lie but I couldn't think of anything else to say.

Mark sighed, knowing he wouldn't get me to tell the truth.

He hugged me close. At first I tried to push away, but then I stopped and hugged him back. I sobbed quietly into his shoulder. He rubbed my back and started rocking me. He began hushing me, to try to start calming me down. I slowly closed my eyes, drifting of into sleep.

AU: I hope you guys enjoyed, this was my first time writing anything for the public. I hope you guys want to see more, I'll try to get at least a chapter in a day. (If people are enjoying it.)

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading, and I will see you
in the next chapter! Buh-byeeeee!

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