Chapter: 12 - Leave him

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Present day
2:35 A.M
Marks POV

I couldn't sleep.

There was no way I would be able to.

Just knowing that Jake has hit Jack, probably more than once, is enough to keep me up, and worrying.

I knew that there would be no way I'd be able to sleep, so I got up and went downstairs to get something to drink.

I opened my creaky door and tiptoed my way to the stairs, but I stopped myself just before I passed Jacks room. It was open a crack, so I pushed it open a little wider to see if Jack was alright. Thankfully, both Jack and Jake were fast asleep. Jack looked so peaceful as he slept. I shut the door quietly, and then starting to head downstairs.

I reached the kitchen, and opened the fridge. I grabbed the jug of milk and shut the fridge.

I went to the cabinet to the right of the microwave, and grabbed a box of lucky charms. (Hehe ;)) I then grabbed a bowl from another cabinet, and went to a counter to eat.

After I ate a couple bowls I accidentally knocked over my bowl, and it crashed to the floor, shattering.


Why do so many things in this house break?

I bent down to pick up the bigger broken pieces, when I suddenly remembered that night...

The night Jack broke the cup...

He looked so scared when I came closer...

And he thought I was gonna hit him...

This does nothing, but confirm my thought that Jake was hitting Jack... multiple times.

I hope to god that it's not often.

It's bad enough that he's been hit even once, but if he was scared by me just walking up to him, something worse than I thought is happening.

Soon, I heard soft footsteps coming from behind me.

I turned to see a very sleepy looking green haired boy.

"What fell?" He asked, his voice quite.

"I just knocked over a bowl." I responded, turning back to finish picking up the pieces.

In just a few seconds I saw him crouch next to me.

"I can help." He offered, reaching his hand to pick up some of the broken pieces.

"No it's alright, I got it." I said, as I gently pushed his hand back.

He looked at me, slight confusion on his face.

"You don't have to help, it's my mess, plus, I don't want you hurting yourself." I told him, picking up the last pieces.

I threw them away and turned back around to see Jack leaning on a counter.

This poor boy.

Stuck in a relationship with some douche bag.

I thought Jake was a good person.. guess I was wrong.

I mean he's hit Jack, cheated on him, and god knows what else.

I can't do stand looking at Jack, talkibg to him, or anything at all, knowing that Jakes been cheating on him.

Jack stood there silently.

Should I tell him?

He deserves to know...

~Forbidden love~  {+Septiplier fan fiction+} JOKEWhere stories live. Discover now