Chapter: 22 - Christmas

22 1 0

2:15 A.M.

Jacks POV

I slowly open my eyes.

Bright lights practically blinding me were above me. I felt slight pressure on my whole body and I looked down to see Mark was fast asleep, hugging me tightly. My eyes adjusted to the light and I looked around, realizing I was in a hospital. I looked back to the sleeping korean man, and placed my arm on hid back. Dry tears stained his cheeks. I didn't want to wake him, but I still wanted to talk to him, so I gently shook him awake.

He groggily opened his eyes, ajusting to the light. He looked up at me and when he saw I was awake, a smile immediately apeared on his face.

"You're awake! Oh my god! You're awake!" He exclaimed.

"I-I am." I smiled back weakly.

He chuckled a little, placing his hand on my cheek.

"I can't believe it..." he sighed happily.

Then his phone staryed ringing.

"Who's calling me at..." he checked the time. "2 in the morning?"

He checked the caller ID and saw it was from Jake.

He sighed.

"It's Jake." He said, ignoring the call.

"Oh..." I looked forward.

"Hey it's okay," he placed his hand on my chin. (Again heheh) "you don't have to be afraid of him anymore."

"What do you mean?" I looked at him.

He bit his lip and looked to the side.

"Do you wanna stay with him?" He asked, still not looking at me.

I thought for a minute.

No ones really asked me this before.

I don't know how to answer...

But if I'm being honest...


I really don't...

"" I finally said. "Not really."

Now he looked back at me.

"What about me?" He asked, causing me to get butterflies in my stomach.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Do you wanna be with me?" He asked.

I thought for a moment.

He does make me happy...

I feel safe with him...

He's never hurt me in anyway...



"What about Amy?" I muttered.

"Oh don't worry about her, I couldn't stand her anymore. I left her a few days ago." He said.

"Then..." A smile crept up on my face. "Yes..!"

His face lit up.

"Really?" He said, sounding like a teenage girl who just asked the most popular kid in school.

"Really." I nodded at him.

He smiled and gave me a hug.

"Thank you..." he said into my chest as I hugged him back.

~Forbidden love~  {+Septiplier fan fiction+} JOKEWhere stories live. Discover now