Chapter: 23 - get out

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4:45 P.M.

Jacks POV

Mark walked over to door, despite me trying to stop him, and froze when he opened it.

I walked to where I was a few feet infront of the stairs, getting a clear view of the door. I froze too.


But Mark said he was at work today-

Oh no oh no oh no!!!

"What the hell are you doing here?" Mark growled.

Jake looked absolutely pissed and punched Mark straight in the throat, causing him to fall down, coughing.

Then Jake looked at me, pure anger in his eyes as he stepped towards me.

I took a few steps back, to scared to really do anything.

"You're fucking dead you little shit!" He yelled, as I held my hands infront of my face.

"P-please no-" but I was cut off by a punch to the stomach.

It brought me down to my knees and I held my stomach because of the pain. The he kicked me in the face, knocking me to my side. He started repeatedly kicking my stomach as I cried out in pain while he continued to yell at me.

Suddenly Mark was right behind Jake with a glass vase, and hit Jake right on the side of the head with it, breaking it. Pieces of glass flew everywhere and Jake turned around.

"Stay out of this!" Jake yelled.

"Get the fuck out!" Mark pushed Jake back a bit.

"Make me!" Jake swung his fist at Mark but Mark caught it, kicking Jake where it hurts.

"Get. Out." Mark repeated.

Jake glared up at him, still recovering from the pain. Then he turned to me, standing up straight now.

"I'll fucking get you one day!" He huffed, while I looked up at him, barely able to move. "You hear me you little-" but he was cut off my Mark a plate at him, it crashing hard to the ground and shattering to bits.

"Get out now!" Mark said once more.

Jake growled out in frustration and waljed away. He got to the door, and slammed it shut behind me.

Then Mark looked over to me, his face softening as he quickly knelt down next to me.

"Seán are you alright?!" He placed his hand on my arm, cause me to cry out. He quickly moved his hand away. "S-sorry-"

My whole body ached. I could hardly move. I could just barely keep my eyes open.

Mark stood up and shakily grabbed his phone out of his pocket, dialing a number.

He talked on the phone after it rung for a few seconds, but I couldn't focus on anything.

He hung up the phone and looked at me with tears in his eyes. He bent down next to me.

"I-its gonna be okay-" he whimpered to me. "You're gonna be fine-!"

Soon my vision blurred and Marks voice echoed through my head as everything went black.


I woke up, my eyes adjusting to the bright light above me as I heard muffled crying. My body ached. I could barely feel anything exept pain. I felt really, really, numb. I felt someone holding my hand. I looked to my right to see Mark holding his head in his hand, sobbing silently. I looked down and realized he was holding my hand. I used all my strength to squeeze his hand back, to show him I was awake.

~Forbidden love~  {+Septiplier fan fiction+} JOKEWhere stories live. Discover now