Chapter: 16 - Please...

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10:45 A.M

Marks POV

I gently shook Seán awake. He quickly shot up, sweating, and panting heavily. He looked at me with teary eyes.

"M-mark?.." He asked, fear filling his voice. "W-what-..." tears started to flow down his cheeks.

I stood up and climbed on the couch, being carful not to crush his tiny body.

"It's okay.." I spoke calmly, and quietly. I didn't want to do anything that would upset him. "It was just a nightmare..."

His breathing was heavy, and he looked terrified. He continued to sob silently.

"M-mark.. I-I... You a-an Jake-..." I could barely understand him. "T-then you tried to-you tried to-" he then immediately started sobbing again, not even able to finish his sentence.

My face softened and I quickly pulled him into a hug. He sniffled, turning his head a couple times. At this point I was sitting in his lap, and his body soon softened, as he embraced the hug. He gripped the front of my shirt. I do nothing but rub his back, letting him cry out his pain. I knew he was mad, but it still made me somewhat happy to know that even while he's mad, and probably doesn't trust me, he still goes to me for confort. I need to tell him at some point that I wasn't kissing Jake, he was kissing me.

As he continued to sob, he kept trying to apologize to me.

"Mark... I... I'm so sorry... I-I-" He mumbled, quietly into my chest.

"Shhh.. don't apologize... you don't need to be sorry for anything... it's okay..." I whispered into his hair.

30 minutes later

Some time had passed and I had gotten Seán to calm down. He could barely close his eyes without his mind going back to his dream. I laid down next to him, rubbing his arm, as he tried his best to fall back asleep.

After about ten or so minutes, I started to hear soft snores coming from the green haired boy in my arms. I smiled softly, and slowly got up from where I was. I tried my best not to wake him, and I stood up, started walking up the stairs, and then entered my bedroom. I shut and lock the door behind me, then climbed into my bed. I covered myself in my blanket and closed my eyes. It didn't take very long for me to fall asleep, but eventually I did.

7:45 A:M

Jacks POV

I was in a deep sleep when suddenly I was awoken by a hard slap to the face. My eyes shot open and I looked straight at the face I fear most.


I scoot back a little.

"J-jake?" I mumbled. "What are you-"

I was interrupted by him pulling me by the collar of my shirt.

"Guess what?" He started. "Your little bodyguard isn't here to save you. You're dead you little shit."

I trembled as he forcefully picked me up, making me stand up. He shoved me into a wall, causing me to fall down. I slowly looked up, only to be greeted by a kick straight to the face.

"You worthless little asshole!" He shouted as I felt blood pour from my nose.

I curled halfway into a ball while I laid on my side.

I looked at him with fear as he smirked down at me.

"You're pathetic. You can barely move." He moved his foot towards me, close to my stomach, causing me to flinch.

~Forbidden love~  {+Septiplier fan fiction+} JOKEWhere stories live. Discover now