Chapter: 6 - Dinner

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6:00 P.M

Jack's POV

I pull up to a small restaurant, called Avanti's. (Read authors note if you
don't know what Avanti's is.) No where fancy, but still nice enough. I really
wanted to eat dinner with Mark, Jake hasn't taken me anywhere in a long time,
almost two years.

I park the car in the almost empty parking lot and turn off my car.

"Avanti's?" Mark said suddenly.

"Yeah.." I said, now unsure if I should have chosen a better place to eat at.
"Is that okay?"

"I love Avanti's!" He said with a huge grin. I sigh in relief, then giggle.

We both open our car doors, and head out in the parking lot.

I press the lock button on my car, and hear the little 'ding'.

We walk up to the door, making small talk. I was about to open the
door for us when he rushes and opens it before I get the chance.

"Hey~" I say, putting my hands on my hips. He did nothing but smile.

I rush in and open the second set of doors before Mark could. We both giggle
and walk inside.

"Beat you to it." I said. He rolled his eyes and smiled. We go up to the counter and
the waiter welcomes us.

"Welcome to Avanti's, would you like a booth or table?" He asked, he looked kinda
familiar, but I ignored it.

I stayed silent, letting Mark pick. He kind of looked at me and I gave a silent nod. He
looked at the waiter and said "We'll take a table." The waiter gave a small glare and then
motioned for us to follow him. He sat us at a table in the center of the room. He practically
threw our menus on the table. He didn't seem very happy with us, I didn't know why.

"Can I start you with some drinks?" He grumbled.

"I'll have a Diet Coke." Mark said, trying to be as polite as he can.

I wasn't feeling like drinking anything sugary, so I just got a water. The waiter
left to get our drinks and Mark and I got a chance to start looking through the menu.
I was looking and decided on spaghetti, so did Mark. (That's just what I got a lot
when I was younger and didn't know about what else they have besides
pizza bread, and normal bread.) We had some small talk and it was pretty relaxing
when I got a text. I ignored it because I didn't want to be rude.

"Oh, you go ahead and answer that, I can wait." He said.

I simply nodded and pulled out my phone, unlocking it. A shiver went down my spine when
I saw it was from Jake.

It said 'Where the hell are you?'

I didn't want to answer so I just turned my phone off. I looked back up at Mark who was looking
at the works of art displayed on the wall. Soon he noticed I was done texting he looked at me.

"Who was it?" He asked.

"Oh, nobody." I said, giving a fake smile.

Soon the waiter came back with our drinks. I took a sip. Then the waiter asked for our orders.
Mark went first then looked at me, signaling for me to speak.

"Uhm, I'll have the same, but no meatballs please." I said, avoiding his gaze.

"Alright." He said, still sounding pissed. I was trying to figure out if I did something wrong,
but I just couldn't figure out what it was. He walked off, leaving me and Mark to talk

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