Chapter: 4 - The movie

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4:30 P.M

Jacks POV
I was in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes, when I heard Marks calm voice. Jake had already left for his second shift.

"Cleaning again?" He joked.

I was finishing up the dishes and needed to clean out the fridge, So I didn't pay to much attention to Mark. Jake would get home in A few hours and would be pissed if I didn't have my chores done.

"Mhm. I just have to clean a bit more." I said, still cleaning the fridge.

"You know, there's this new movie and I wanted to know if you wanted to watch it with me tonight?" He asked, walking towards me.

"Oh.." I said, disappointed. I would want to watch it but I had to get my chores done. "Sorry, I can't.." I mumbled. "I have to get my chores done or else Jake'll get mad.."

"It's fine man!" He said, trying to reassure me. "Jake won't be mad if some silly chores aren't done!"

"I-I don't know Mark.." I said, turning to him. "I should just get these done. Maybe I can watch it some other time."

"Jack, I insist, it's a pretty great movie. It'll be fine, you can do your chores some other time." He said putting a hand on my back.

I thought for a moment. I did really want to watch it with him. Plus, it might give me a chance to talk to him about... my little episode.

"Alright. I'll watch it." I said getting up.

"Cool lets go watch it." He said excitedly.

"What's the movie?" I asked, walking slightly slower next to him.

"It's actually a series, the marvel series to be exact." Mark said, obviously exited.

We sat down next to each other on the couch, about half a foot apart. Mark turned on the movie while I played with my fingers. I was still worried about Jake.

Mark must have noticed that I was nervous, cause he was looking at me with a strange look.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked.

I looked at him, trying to relax. "Yeah.. yeah.." I mumbled quietly.

Two hours later
4:30 P.M
Marks POV

I woke up on the couch. I tried to sit up but something stopped me. I opened my eyes more so I could actually see. Jack was laying on my chest, fast asleep. His snores soft and he was hugging me tightly.

I get up slowly laying him on the couch so I could get something to eat. Then I suddenly heard the door slam open. Jake was home, he looked like he had been drinking or something. I walked up to him but before I could say anything I noticed a bit of smeared lipstick on his neck.

"Hey Maaaark. How you doing?" He said, slurry his words a bit.

"Fine..." I said, suspicious of the lipstick.

He wouldn't cheat, right?

Not on someone as sweet as Jack.. not on anyone... right?

He walked forward, setting his things by the door. When he saw Jack asleep, he groaned. "Idiot's always asleep." He spoke with a touch of anger.

He went into the kitchen and I walked to Jack.

"Jack~" I said, gently shaking him awake. "Jack wake up~"

He groggily opened his eyes, adjusting them to the light. "Wha-?"

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