Chapter: 17 - I'm an idiot

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8:05 A.M

Marks POV

I throw a book across my room when I hear a small knock coming from my door.

I turn, and clench my fists.

"What?!" I growl harshly.

I second of silence from the other side of the door.

"U-uh-" I heard Seán speak. "I wanted to see if you're okay, I-.. I-I heard some crashing-" he muttered quietly.

My face quickly softened as I walked to the door and opened it, seeing Seán facing me, taking a small step back when I opened the door.

He had changed his outfit, probably because of the blood stains on the collar of his shirt, and was now wearing grey sweatpants, and a light pink sweatshirt.

I felt myself blush a little at his adorable, oversized outfit.

"Mark? Hello?" I heard him say, seeing him wave his uninjured hand infront of my face.

"Yeah, I'm alright, sorry." I fianlly mumbled, realising I had been staring at him for like two minutes without saying anything.

He stayed silent, playing with his fingers, and staring down.

His face was cleaned up, but his lip was still busted. I couldn't help but look at the poor boy infront of me.

I left for a stupid fucking coffee. A fucking starbucks coffee. Seán was beaten so badly, to the point where he had blood all over his face, his lip was busted, a few small bruises were on his face, and god knows what else.

I thought Jake would have been at work.

Why wasn't he?

Was he-

Oh my god I'm a dumbass!

Today he had a day off!


I looked down at Seán, who was standing there, looking nervously at the ground.

"Seán," I finally broke the silence. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left."

He quickly looked up at me.

"What-?" He questioned.

"I should've stayed here, I'm sorry-" He looked at me with slight confusion as I spoke. "I didn't know Jake had his day off today, I'm really sorry."

"No- it's not your fault, I should've-" He tried to say.

"No, it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself, I'm the one who left." I interrupted him.

"But-" he mumbled, looking down again.

"No, it's not your fault." I said, as I gently lifted his head to look at me. "I'm the one you should blame." As I talked to him, his face was a slight shade of pink.

"I uh- I gotta go-" he quickly said.

Before I could protest, he had started walking away and heading down the stairs. As he walked away I couldn't help but stare at his ass. as I felt my face heat up slightly. He quickly went down the stairs.

I sigh, and step back into my room, shutting the door, and locking it behind me.

I flopped onto my bed, laying on my back and stared up at the ceiling.

"I'm such a dumbass..." I whispered to myself.

8:11 A.M.

Jacks POV

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