Chapter: 15 - Don't hurt me

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9:35 P.M

Jacks POV

I shoot up, panting heavily.

I just had yet another nightmare.

Then I looked around and noticed I was in my room.

I thought I had fallen asleep on the chair in the livingroom...

I just shook my head and slowly got up.

I shuffled my way to the door and slowly open it.

I start walking downstairs and was about to get something to drink, when I turned to face the living room.

All I could see, was Jake and... Mark?!

They were making out, and Mark didn't do anything about it.

Tears started to flood down my cheeks.

"J-jake what are you doing?!" I shouted at him.

Both him and Mark looked at me immediately.

I was bawling my eyes out at this point as they both stood.

Jake quickly walked over to me and gently grabbed the tips of my elbows.

"Jack, baby-" Jake started.

"N-no!" I shouted at him. "D-don't call me that!"

Then we both took turns yelling at each other, he was obviously winning.

I was doing nothing but crying.

"Sometimes I wish I never met you!" He shouted at me.

"I wish I never met you either.." I mumbled.

I almost immediately covered my mouth.

Did I really just say that?

Oh shit...

"I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that!" I quickly said.

He glared at me quickly.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have." He growled.

After a few more terrifying minutes, Mark decided to do something.

Mark had stepped in and got Jake to leave.

Before he left though, he grabbed me by the arm and whispered in my ear.

"You're dead you worthless little shit. Be glad Mark was here to save your ass. You sleep on the couch tonight. Understand?" He growled harshly, but still only quiet enough for only me to hear though.

I quickly nodded.

He then stomped upstairs.

Mark stepped infront of me.

"Hey, you alright? What did Jake say to-" He started.

I pushed him away.

"Don't you dare act like you care! Y-you-you.." but I couldn't finish talking. My face went from angry, with tears, to full on crying.

I didn't want to yell at Mark, I didn't want to be upset with him, but... I thought he cared.

He then stepped forward a little, raising his arms slightly.

I quickly flinched, covering my face with my arms, crossing them.

"P-please don't hit me! I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to push you! I-..." I cried out in a panic.

I backed up into a wall and slid down it, holding my knees close to my chest, burying my face in my knees.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I-I-I-" I whimpered.

~Forbidden love~  {+Septiplier fan fiction+} JOKEWhere stories live. Discover now