Chapter: 24 - New years fight

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New years

I don't know when the new year comes around, so like ten minutes before the countdown.

Marks POV

Seán and I sat on out balcony, looking at the stars as we sat side-by-side on the couch we had out there. We had a great view of, not only the bright stars, but all the lights on in the city. All the dark windows, lined with red, white, and blue lights. Some people had decorations in their rooms, some people were blasting music, but it didn't bother me that much, because, luckly, they weren't really near us. I had my arm wrapped around Seán while he snuggled in my chest, as he gazed at the stars, the light glistening in his eyes, smiling brightly.

I checked the time.

5 minutes until new years.

I looked at Seán while he still looked at the view. He turned his head as he smiled at me, his bright blue eyes staring right at mine. We sat and just looked at each other, smiling.

4 more minutes.

He looked me in the eyes as I placed my hand on his cheek, while we faced each other. He smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile back.

3 minutes left.

A few firworks started to go off, making Seán jump a little bit. He looked over ag the works, all the different colors. His smile somehow grew wider as his eyes shined, the colors from the fireworks reflecting on his ocean blue eyes.

2 minutes.

This moment was amazing. No drama, no Jake, just us alone, with this amazing view.

I couldn't focus on the lights, or the fireworks, all I could do was stare are Seán. He looked genuinely happy for once, and I loved it. His amazed wide eyes were focused on the colors exploding in the sky.

1 last minute.

I turned Seán so that he was facing me, and just looked at all his beautiful features. Soon enough, people all around the city started counting down from 10.


Seán smiled a little at me.


I placed my hand on his cheek.


We turned all the way to face each other.


We stared into each others eyes.


Seáns face started to turn pink.


My face started heating up as well.


We stared at each other with love in our eyes.


I pulled him a bit closer.


We were inches apart.


We started to kiss passionately while everyone else around the city cheered. More fireworks were set off as the moon shone over us. After a while we seperated. We stared at each other, and I smiled once more. He blushed lightly, looking away from, trying hide it. I just pulled him into a hug, and he quickly hugged back. I could feel the smile forming on his face as I laid down on the small couch. He laid on my chest, while I looked up at the stars shining above us, and smiled. Seán cuddled up to me, burying his head in my neck. I held him close as the fireworks slowly stopped. Soon it was quiet. The only sounds that could be heard was the distant music, some people nearby chatting, and laughing together. All I focused on though, was the sound of Seáns steady breathing. For once he seemed calm... and... just... happy. I'm so glad that I could help him. He's the best thing thats ever happened to me.

~Forbidden love~  {+Septiplier fan fiction+} JOKEWhere stories live. Discover now