Chapter: 13 - To scared

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3:05 AM
Jacks POV

I hug Mark tightly, enjoying every second as he hugged me back.

Is he really willing to help me?

Should I even try?

Suddenly we heard footsteps on the stairs behind us.

Mark quickly pulls away.

He turns and almost immediately clenched his fists at his sides.

We were right behind the island in front of Jake, so he couldn't see our lower halfs.

"Whats going on? Why are you guys still up?" Jake asked in a tired voice.

"Uh, well we h-had to.. uhm.." I stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"I broke a bowl, he heard it crash, and he came to help clean it up." Mark said.

I could tell make was pissed. I know the look to well. I've seen it on Jake hundreds of times before.

"Oh, alright." Jake said walking around the island. "So what are you guys still doing up?"

"I couldn't fall back asleep, so I stayed down here with Jack." Mark growled, trying not to show anger in his voice.

Jake furrowed his eyebrows at Mark.

"Are you good man? You upset about something?" Jake asked.

"Actually yes, I do you-" Mark snapped.

"N-no! He doesn't!" I fake chuckled. "He's just... uh..tired...?" It sounded more like a question than an answer.

"Alright- well then.." Jake said, obviously confused.

Mark looked at me, with an expression that read 'what the hell are you doing'. I gave him a pleading look. 'Not now' I mouthed at him.

"Uh, hello?" Jake said suddenly.

Mark exhaled, clearly still upset. He crossed his arms across his chest, and leaned on the island.

Uh oh..

I hope I didn't make Mark mad.

'Well.. I gotta get back to bed if I wanna get a decent night of sleep." Jake said, stretching.
"You coming Jack?"

"Uh.." I mumbled. "I should stay down here and help Mark with this mess." I lied.

Jake shrugged and went upstairs.

Mark immediately turned to me.

I shivered, taking a couple of steps back.

He stood up completely, and looked me right in the eyes.

His face softened a little as he sees my trembling face. I had backed up into the fridge by now.

"Hey, hey.." Mark said as he came up to me. "It's okay," he said, placing a conforting hand on my shoulder. I flinched quickly. "I'm not gonna hurt you.." he said, moving his hand away, and putting them both up in a surrendering pose, showing me he would touch me.

I looked up at him and sighed.

"I.. I'm sorry Mark I just-" I tried to say, but was cut off by two fingers under my chin, lifting my face to look at the red haired man infront of me.

"You don't need to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong." He the gave a small smile.

"But I-" He put his thumb on my lips, stopping me from talking.

"No excuses, theres not a single excuse in the world that could make any of this okay. You don't need to apologize for his actions." He removed his thumb. "Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you know that. It hurts me to see you like this, do you understand that?" He asked.

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