Chapter: 21 - I can't do it anymore

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December 20th

2:30 P.M.

Marks POV

I finished talking to my mom, and hung up the phone.

"Finally you doneee!" Amy whined like a child.

"Sorry I needed to call my mom, I mean it is almost christmas, and I havn't talked to her in a whi-" I started.

"Oh come onnn" she continued to whine. "You never spend enough time with me!"

Is she serious?

I spend almost every damn minute with her!

I'm starting to think this wont work out after all...

"Look, I'm sorry but I-" I said, but was interrupted once again.

"No buts! You're always spending time with Jack, like, why?" She complained. "He's annoying, clingy, short, and he's a total wimp, and don't even get me started on his ugly ass face-"

"Thats enough! Stop talking about him like that! You don't know what he's been through! And none of what you've said is true!" I growled.

He put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes.

"Let me guess," She scoffed. "He got his feewings huwt." She said, mocking a childs voice.

I was about to respond when I heard sniffling. I looked ahead of me, and saw Seán standing there, his eyes red and puffy, full of tears.

Oh god how long was he there?!

He ran out of the living room, and I'm assuming into his room.

"Seán wait! I'm sorry!" I called out, but he didn't come back.

I started walking forward, but was stopped by someone pulling on my shirt.

"Oh let the big baby go." Amy then let go of me.

"No," I growled. I'm fed up with her. "Infact, I think I should let you go!"

"What?" She sounded shocked.

"Oh don't look surprised, you should've expected this. With the way you treat people, I'm surprised so many people actually hang out with you!" I couldn't stop myself from talking, the words just flew out of my mouth, like they've been waiting to escape. "I'm surprised I stayed with you for so long! But you know what? I can't do it anymore! Get the fuck out of my house, and make sure I never have to look at your fake face ever again!" I growled, stomping upstairs.

I went straight to Seáns door, but before I could knock, I heard crying coming from the bathroom. I walked over and gently knocked.

"Seán, are you okay?" I asked.

What do I mean?

Of corse he's not okay!

"P-please go Mark..." I heard say, in a quiet voice, not quite a whisper, but still quiet.

I tried to open the doorknob, but it was locked.

"P-please! Don't come in here!" He sounded worried now.

I reach into my pocket, and grabbed the key that went to almost all the rooms exept for bedrooms and main doors. I put the key in and turn it, opening the door. I stepped in and saw Seán sitting on the floor, his knees close to his chest, as he had his head faced away from me.

Seán was whispering something, but I couldn't really hear him. I took a few steps, and squat down next to him placing my hand on his shoulder as he flinched and scoot back, as he bumped into the bathtub, trembling.

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