Chapter: 20 - Figure

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2 weeks later

2:35 P.M.

Jacks POV

I was at hobby lobby, (heheheh, hoobby loobby- okay I'll shut up now-) and was looking for Christmas decorations. I was looking at different ordainments, some red, some green, and some... food? There were different food ones, like hotdogs, French fries, and all sorts of random stuff. I smile to myself, and looked at the rest of the isle. I realized someone had walked in and I jumped a little, as they leaned against the edge of the isle, arms crossed, and staring right at me. He was wearing black jeans, sunglasses, had black hair, and had on a black leather jacket, and I started to get nervous. I grabbed a few boxes of normal ordainments, and quickly left the isle.

I went to the isle with tinsel in it and picked out a silver one. This isle was crowded so I had to turn around, but as I did, I ran straight into someone. I was about to apologize when I felt them grip my arm. I looked up to see it was that same creepy figure. I let out a small shriek, as he smirked. People turned to look at us. He quickly let go and turned his head, acting like he didn't do anything. I walked past him, and once out of his sight, I rushed towards the bathroom, but before I made it, as I was glancing behind me, I crashed into someone. I fell right on my ass and scoot away from the person.

"P-please don't hurt me-!" I whimpered out, keeping one of my arms in front of my face, squinting my eyes shut.

I felt someone gently place their hand on my arm, causing me to flinch a little.

"Seán, it's okay, it's just me." I heard a deep voice say.

I looked up and saw Mark, who was also shopping here, but he was shopping with... Amy.

I quickly smiled in relief wrapped my arms around his neck, while he stayed squatting. Tears of joy filled my eyes and I smiled into his shoulder, as I felt his strong arms wrap around me.

"T-thank you Mark..." I mumbled, still smiling.

"You okay?" He suddenly whispered into my ear.

I nodded slowly.

Should I tell him?

I mean like...

That guy didn't really do anything.

I'm the one acting like a baby.

Suddenly, Amy spoke.

"Uh, alright, that's enough hugging. He fell over, who cares. He doesn't need a damn hug for being a clumsy little bitch." She scoffed.

Mark looked at me as we pulled away from the hug, while he still had his hands on the side of my waist, he smiled at me. Then Amy stomped forward, and separated us, causing me to fall over, again.

"You leave him alone you little twerp, he's mine, not yours!" She scolded me as Mark walked up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulder.

"Amy, it's okay, let's just finish shopping." He said.

She turned towards him.

"Alright babe," she said, giving him a loving kiss. She glanced over at me, an evil grin on her face. They pulled away and she gave him a hypnotizing smile. "Let's go." She said, as they turned and walked away. She glanced over her shoulder, smirking at me, and turned back, laying her head on Marks shoulder as they held hands.

"Bitch..." I whispered to myself, standing up.

Then I went back to look for the rest of my stuff and leave.

30 minutes later...

The cashier finishes scanning everything.

"57.83." He grumbled.

~Forbidden love~  {+Septiplier fan fiction+} JOKEWhere stories live. Discover now