Chapter: 5 - Broken glass

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4:30 P.M

Marks POV

I was just getting out of the shower, thinking about yesterday. I couldn't
stop thinking about how much Jake overreacted over something so stupid.

I put on the clean clothes I brought in with me and dried my hair. I went to
my room to put my dirty clothes in my laundry basket.

I head downstairs and see Jack drinking some water in front of the sink,
facing away from me.

"Hey Jack. How you do-" He jumped, causing me to pause. He dropped his
glass, making glass and water go everywhere. He immediately covered his
mouth in shock.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" He said, sounding kind of panicked.

He bent down, picking up all the bigger pieces. I walked over squatting next to

"Carful, let me clean it up." I said moving his hand away.

He fell back still sitting up, putting his hands over his head, as if I was
about to hit him.

"P-Please don't Hurt me!" He whimpered.

Why would he think I would hurt him?

Did someone else hurt him?

Lots of questions flooded my brain.

I kneeled next to him, rubbing his back, letting him cry out any pain
he had in him and just sat there.

After a few minutes, he was starting to calm down. He had his face
buried in his knees.

I was still comforting him. I didn't want him to be afraid of me. I was
sitting next to him, staying calm, while he was trying to cool down.

He finally stopped sobbing, and looked up at me.

"You alright yet Jack?" I asked, concerned.

He simply nodded.

"Okay," I spoke softly. "Do you want to tell me why you thought I
would, ever hurt you?"

He thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head.

Why is he acting so strange?

I looked down at his hand and noticed blood dripping from it.

"Oh god are you alright?" I asked him, gently grabbing his wrist,
holding it close to my face, looking at the small cut on his hand.

Not much blood, but still a pretty bad cut.

He tried to pull his hand away.

"I'm fine..Mark. I just.. cut my hand a little on the glass." He mumbled.

I kept his hand in mine and looked at the cut. It didn't look like it needed
stitches, but still needed some cleaning and a bandage.

"I'm gonna need to clean this Jack, you okay with that?" I asked.

He stayed silent for a few seconds, then nodded.

We walked to the bathroom and I got the things I needed out of the cabinet.
Jack then sat on the counter. I stood in front of him and grabbed the cup of
water I had. The cut was a lot better once I washed it. I grabbed the bandages
and wrapped his hand up with it.

He looked at it, a small smile appearing on his face. He gave me a quick hug,
surprising me.

I hugged back as he spoke quietly.

"Thank you, Mark."

"No problem Jack." I said, still enjoying every second of our hug.

Every time I'm around Jack, I get a strange feeling in my stomach. Not like
a sick feeling, I just feel.. happier, around him.

I guess we've become better friends over the past week.

Suddenly I felt Jack scooting closer, and before I knew it, we had fallen
flat on the ground, him laying on me. He quickly sat up, now on all fours,
over me.

"Oops," he said, trying not to giggle. "I was trying to get off the counter. I
didn't mean to make us fall."

"It's alright," I said, my head hurt like hell from the fall but I was fine, Jack
didn't need to be worrying about a silly headache. "At least I covered your
fall." I joked. He giggled a little, then stood up, reaching out his hand to help
me up.

We left the bathroom and I checked the time on my phone.


When I looked up from my phone, Jack was gone, then I heard noises coming
from the kitchen. I walked over and saw Jack, getting some water. He turned
and saw me.

"Don't you dare scare me again!" He said in a stern voice, smiling. I chuckled
lightly and slowly walked towards him.

"I won't scare you anymore." I said smiling, looking at him, only a foot away.

"Good." He said, jokingly.

Suddenly a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Mark go get dressed!" He said excitedly, rushing up stairs.

"What? Why?" I asked turning to see him.

He was half way up the stairs and then suddenly turned and said "you'll see."


Jack's POV

I was fully dressed. I had some black jeans on, with a white button up
shirt. I went out of my room and checked the time while I waited for Mark.

"5:45?" I said aloud.

Jake would get home in 45 minutes. Or at least that's when he gets off at work.
He usually goes to a bar, gets drunk, and comes home mad at me, even I did all
our chores, looked good enough for him, and wasn't doing anything wrong like
watching tv, or reading.

Suddenly I heard foot steps. I looked behind me to see Mark wearing dark red
jeans, with a plain black shirt.

Even for a plain outfit, he looked great.

"How do I look?" He asked.

"Great." I said, walking over to him.

"So what was so important that I needed to get dressed?" He asked.

I giggled. "I wanted to take you out to dinner. I haven't eaten out in forever!"
I said, smiling.

Jake never bothered to take me out to dinner or anything anymore.

"Like a date?" He said jokingly.

I felt my face heat up.

"No!" I laughed.

"I wish I had gotten dressed a little better. I didn't think we would be going out
somewhere." He said, looking at his outfit.

"You think I would make you get dressed just to stay inside?" I said, smirking at
him. He rolled his and smiled.

"So where are we going?" He asked as we walked out the door.

"Nowhere fancy, but it's still a surprise." I said with a big dopey grin
on my face.

AU: Jeeeez! I have not written in a long time. Sorry about that guys. I've
been working on this for the past week but had a lot of school to do. Plus,
I do still enjoy reading and I need SOME free time. I'm gonna try to write
way more often, soon I'll be getting a computer and writing will be much
easier. Sorry to keep you guys waiting so long. I just need to know when I
want each event to happen in this story. I know the big plans, but I need to
add much more time before that happens. But I do hope you guys know I'm
back to working on writing at least one chapter a day. End of teh AN now lol.


Thank you all so much for reading, I hope you liked it, and I will see you all,
in the next chapter. Buh-byeeeeeeee!

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