Chapter: 7 - Yelling

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7:15 P.M

Marks POV
We walk through the door and see Jake, his arms crossed, and he was leaning on
a wall. Jack stood behind me, peeking out at Jake, he had both his hands on my
arm. I could feel him trembling, as tears threatened to fall from his eyes.

"Jake, please. Let us explain-" I tried to say but he cut me off.

"Jack. Living room. Now." He spoke with such anger in his voice, and on his face.

I looked back at Jack and he was tearing up. And the look of fear in his eyes, was
heartbreaking. He let go of his tight grip on my arm, and slowly started to walk away.
I didn't know what would happen to him, all I know is he looked terrified. So I wouldn't
let him leave. I gently grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

He looked up at me. "W-what are you doing Mark?" He asked, trying to pull away.

"I don't know what you problem with him is," I said, glaring at Jake. "But he didn't do
anything wrong, it was me. I got him to leave with me. So be mad at me, not Jack."

I wanted to take the blame, I didn't know why Jake was so mad, but he was about something.
So I tried to take the fall.

"Jack I said now!" Jake said, ignoring me.

As much as I didn't want to, I let go of Jack. And he slowly walked to the living room. As Jack passed
Jake, he grabbed Jack by the arm and made him move faster, walking until they were out of view. All
of a sudden I heard a loud slapping noise, followed by Jake trying to keep his yelling quit. I walked
over and peeked in the living room, to see no one. Then I heard a thud coming from the guest room,
which was next to the living room. I pressed my ear against the door and heard crying, and yelling.

"P-please.. we only went out to eat, nothing else," I heard Jacks voice say. "I don't know what Leo's
telling you but I swear-" he was cut off by another slapping sound.

"I don't wanna hear it! Now get up and stop crying you whiny little-!" I slowly opened the door, to
see Jack on the floor, sitting up and behind him were some fallen over items. And Jake was towering
over him. They both quickly turned their heads towards me the second I opened the door.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, fully inside now. "I heard yelling and-"

"Yeah we're fine. Right Jack?" He said, now glaring at Jack. Jack looked scared and quickly looked
at me, nodding his head.

Jake furrowed his eyes and helped Jack up, by pulling him up by his arm. When Jack stood, Jake turned
him to face me. I could see Jake squeezing his arm, making Jack try not to wince. Jack forced a smile. His
smile faded a bit and Jake squeezed his arm harder, making Jack smile again. The room was silent. After
a few minutes of silence and tension, Jake spoke.

"Well. I'm gonna go watch the game, wanna join me Mark?" He asked, letting go of Jacks arm and heading
to the door.

"No, maybe some other time." I said through my teeth.

He just shrugged and then left.

I looked over at Jack who was facing away from me, desperately whipping his eyes, trying to hide his tears.
I walked up behind him and the gently grabbed his arm, guiding him to face me. His eyes were red and
puffy. He mumbled something but I couldn't hear him.

"What?" I asked him softly.

He spoke a little louder, just loud enough to where I could hear him. "I'm sorry.." he said.

"About what? You didn't do anything wrong." I said. I was gonna pull him in for a hug, but when I touched
his other arm, the one Jake had been holding, he winced in pain, pulling his arm away.

I didn't do anything at first but then I gently grabbed his wrist, pulling his arm closer.

"P-please don't.." he said. "I'm.."

"Don't say that you're fine Jack, you're not." I said, interrupting him.

He looked down, not saying anything. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable, but I
needed to know what Jake did to his arm. I slowly lifted his sleeve, and saw a huge
hand-sized bruise on his arm. My jaw dropped. I was so shocked, I couldn't think of
anything to say. He was staring down, to the side. New tears falling from his cheeks. He
almost looked ashamed.

"Jack," I said, In a stern, but soft voice. "Tell me what happened. And.. please don't lie."

He played with his fingers, not facing me. "I.." he tried to say. "I can't.. o-or else-"

"Jack, you can tell me anything." I said, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I want
to help with whatever it is."

I walked him over to the bed in the corner of a room, and we both sat down on the foot of the bed.
We sat in silence for a while. He sat, looking down, while I was rubbing his back. I waited for him
to talk. I wanted to make sure he was comfortable.

Finally he spoke. "He hit me.. Mark." He said suddenly.

"What?!" I asked, shocked. I could feel the rage burning inside me.

He then looked at me and saw my mad expression. "M-mark.. please don't tell him you know."

"Why? Was this the first time?" I asked, his eyes widened a bit before I saw tears start to form
in his eyes.

Jacks POV
"Was this the first time?" Mark asked me.

Memories of the many times Jake had hit me came flooding threw my mind. I started
to tear up. Mark's angry expression then softened and he pulled me in for a hug. I sobbed
quietly into his shoulder, not wanting Jake to hear. I didn't want to risk Jake coming inside
so I stood up, wiping my eyes, facing away from Mark.

I walked up to the nearest wall, leaning on it, chewing on my thumb nail. Mark got up, taking
a few steps towards me.

"You alright Jack?" He asked, taking another step. We were still a few feet apart.

I simply nodded. I regret telling Mark anything. Mark might tell Jake that he knows, and
that'll get us both hurt.

He took another step.

"Jack.." he said again, taking another step.

Now we were only inches away from each other. Mark then took another step, we were as close
as we could get. I could feel his hot breath as I looked into his chocolate, brown eyes. He had his
left hand on my back, and his right hand on the side of my head, his thumb to caress my cheek. I
could feel my face heat up, while my heart pounded in my chest. Our faces were close together, our
lips nearly touching when we heard a knock at the door.

It startled us both, causing us both to jump. After a few seconds of us looking at each other's eyes,
Mark went to open the door.

He opened it and we were surprised by who was there.

AN: Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I needed to add some dramaaaa~ Who do you think
is at the door? What do you think would have happened if there was no knock? Why am
I asking questions? I don't know~

(Just a reminder none of the artworks I use for a title are mine!)


Thank you all so much for watching, and I hope you enjoyed. And as always, I will see you,
in the next one, BUH-BYEEEEEEE

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