Chapter: 18 - Preparing For Thanksgiving 

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10:40 A.M.

Jacks POV

I continued to cook multiple dishes. Tomorrow is thanksgiving and I need to finish making the rest of the food. I hear footsteps but I don't have time to check who it is. Plus, I was kinda exited because Jake, surprisingly, was gonna let me invite a couple of friends. It's not gonna be a big thanksgiving, just a few of my friends, and possibly some of Jakes.

It's been a couple of weeks since the last time Mark and I spoke, or really did anything. I've just been trying to keep my distance, I don't want Jake to find out just how close I used to feel to Mark. Plus... I still felt hurt for some reason. I don't know why, I should've known better.

"Seán?" I suddenly heard Mark say, scaring the hell out of me.

"Shit- sorry..." He scratched the back of his neck.

I ignored him, looking back at the food.

"Uh, when is Jake gonna be back?" He asked, looking around, he seemed nervous as hell.

I couldn't just ignore him... again...

"In a few hours." I mumbled, looking back at the food I was cooking.

The next thing I know, I felt two strong arms turn me to face Mark. He had pushed me against the corner of two counters, him pretty much leaning over my body, as I stared into his chocolate brown eyes.

"Mark w-what're you-" I stuttered.

"Seán, I can't lie to you any longer, I don't want you to be mad at me for something I didn't do! I can't stand going to bed every night, knowing you don't know the truth, and that you're always in pain, physically, and emotionally!" He placed one of his hands on my lower back, and the other caressing my cheek, as I stood there, red as a tomato, not knowing what the hell I should do."Seán, I can't keep hiding these feelings, I just... can't." He looked me in the eyes. "Seán please listen to me."

I could feel my face heat up even more as we were just inches apart.

After a few seconds of us just staring into each others eyes, Mark spoke again.

"Seán please, say something." He said, almost whispering.

"Mark I can't-" I started, but was interrupted bye Mark, who furrowed his eyebrows.

"Seán please." He said once more.

I tried to get away from his grasp, but he wouldn't let me, as he stared at me.

"M-mark just let me go-" I said, trying to escape once more, but he simply picked me up, and set me on a counter.

"Not until you listen to me." He said sternly.

I started to become more and more scared.

"M-mark please-." I whimpered out.

He stayed silent, but came closer. Our noses were nearly touching. He placed one hand on my waist, and the other on the side of my face. He pulled me closer, our lips connected together. I just sat there, not doing anything, I was to shocked to. (and the next thing I know Marks snapping his fingers in front of my face-! Okay, okay, just kidding, back to the story.)

After a few seconds, I push Mark off of me, only enough to separate us.

"M-mark I-" I didn't know what to say so I just hopped off the counter, and left, going up the stairs, hearing Mark call me a couple times. I went into my room, shut the door, and slowly slid down the door. I held my knees close to my chest.

What in the absolute hell just happened?!

Did Mark really just-

Holy shit!

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