Chapter: 19 - Thanksgiving

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7:00 P.M.

Marks POV

Seán stood by the door, waiting for everyone to arrive. I was in the kitchen, really not doing anything. And Jake was on the couch. Everything was prepared. The food was on the table, the house was clean, and everyone seemed fine. No one seemed like they were gonna start any fights or anything. At least I hope not.

I saw movement and looked towards the living room to see Jake standing up, and walking over to Seán. He barley even touched Seán's back, but he flinched anyway. Seán turned around and Jake pulled him close, giving him a 'loving' kiss. Then we heard a knock at the door. Seán away from the kiss and turned back to the door, opening it. I stood up, not wanting to seem like some moody teenager.

I walked to the living room, just to see who was there. I saw a short guy, probably a few inches shorter than Seán, with blue hair, wearing black jeans, and a simple white button up shirt. Next to him, was a much larger looking man, wearing a grey beanie, that covered his brown hair. He was wearing grey jeans, and also had a plain white button up. He was a bit taller than me, not as muscular, but still pretty muscular. Next to him, was a blonde girl, but the ends of her hair were dyed yellow. She had a pair of glasses on, and was wearing a pair of blue skinny jeans, and a simple pink long sleeve shirt underneath her white shirt. She had pink cheeks, and had eyeliner on.

She looks cute.

They all greeted each other and I zoned out, just looking at the girl.

She looks incredibly beautiful.

Her beautiful brown eyes that matched mine.

Her amazing looking body.

Her adorable smile.

"Mark? Hello? You there?" Jake asked.

I shook my head.

"What?" I mumbled, returning to reality.

"I said, this is Amy, she's a good friend of mine and she actually worked with me a while back, but shit happened, so yeah, now she works at a Starbucks." He chuckled at the end.

She reached her hand out to me, which took me a second to realize what she was doing.

"Oh sorry." I chuckled nervously, shaking her hand.

She giggled and it gave my stomach butterfly's.

That was fucking adorable.

I could feel my face start turning pink.

Then the boy with blue hair stepped forward.

"Hi I'm uh-" he mumbled. He looked over at the other guy, who placed a reassuring hand on his back. The blue-haired boy took a breath, he seemed nervous about something.

"You alright?" I asked him.

"He okay," the other guy said. "He gets anxious whenever he meets anyone new."

The other boy stared down, to his left, and looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"I'm Tyler, this is Ethan." The taller man said.

"Mark." I responded.

He nodded.

"Can I talk to you for a sec Mark?" He asked.

"Uh- sure." I walked a few feet away from Ethan with Tyler.

"He's got really bad social anxiety and ADHD, so please don't like, pressure him or anything." He whispered to me.

I nodded and we both looked back, to see that everyone had moved to the table already.

We both quickly sat down in the two empty seats.

Tyler sat in between Ethan and Seán, and I sat in between Seán and Amy.

We all ate different foods and joked together throughout dinner. I noticed Amy talking to me a lot more than everyone else. I also noticed Seán was very quiet throughout dinner, and he kept looking at me.

"Mark can you help me with something?" He suddenly asked.

"Uh- oh, sure, what's up?" I asked.

"I mean like..." he bit his lip, looking to the side. "Privately."

"Uh sure I-" but he had already stood up and dragged me with him.

He walked us to a closet and shut the door behind him.

"Why did you bring us in-" but I was cut off by a pair of soft lips on mine.

I didn't take anytime to kiss back, and I placed one hand on his waist, the other his back, while he had his around my neck. After probably two or so minutes, we separated. Our foreheads were touching and we gazed into each other's eyes, and I could feel his breath on mine.

After a few seconds, tears formed in his eyes, and broke down crying.

"Hey..." I quickly pulled him into a hug, as he silently sobbed into my shoulder. "What's wrong?" I asked, rubbed his back.

"I-I'm so so so SO sorry!" His cry's were muffled in my shirt. "I should have trusted you! I was an idiot and I-" he whimpered.

"Hey it's okay," I replied, making him look up at me. "Don't be sorry..."

I brushed hair out of his face with my thumb, placing my hands on both his cheeks.

His tearful eyes looked right into mine.

"Please don't be mad.." Seán whispered silently.

I was about to respond but got interrupted.

"Jack? Mark?" We heard Jake call out. "Where'd you guys go?"

I looked at him one last time and stroked his cheek.

"Coming!" I shouted out.

"It's okay, we can talk about this later." I whispered, smiling softly, and wiped a few tears from his eyes.

He nodded slowly, and wiped his eyes with his sleeves.

We exit the room, and walked back into the dining room, sitting at our spots.

Thats when I realized all that just happened.

Did Seán really just-

Does he believe me?

All of that happened so fast...

So many thoughts swirled through my mind, while everyone else talked. I felt a hand get placed on my thigh, and I looked over to see Amy, her hand rubbing my leg as she looked at me with a shine in her eyes, and a flirtatious smile on. She winked at me, and gave me butterflys, causing me to blush lightly.

She looked back at the table, and removed her hand from my leg. I just sat there, not knowing what to do, as my face stayed pink. So I just pretended like nothing happened, and kept talking to everyone.


AN: sorry that this was late, and that it's so short. I just wanted to post this quick because of the dramaaaaa


Thank you all so much for reading, and I will see you, in the next one!


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