The beginning of something horrible

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2 years ago

Jacks POV

I was washing the dishes when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see my best friend Felix, standing there with a Huge grin on his face.

We both started giggling like little kids while he came inside. We both started talking and laughing.


A few hours later...

We were both still goofing around. A few minutes later Jake arrived Home. He groaned at the sight of Felix. He never liked Felix much, And I never knew why.

"Alright Jack," Felix started. "I better head home before it gets to dark out." I nodded and hugged him goodbye.

He walked out the door and I headed to the kitchen to finish the dishes. Jake walked in and leaned on a counter, near me.

"I don't get why you hang out with that idiot." He grumbled.

I turned to face him. "What? Why? He's a great guy. You should get to know him, Jake." I said, turning back to the dishes.

"He's just so annoying. I would never hang out with him." He said, walking to my left.

"Jake stop. You're being really mean." I said, upset with what he was saying.

"How? I'm just speaking the truth!" He said. I could smell beer on his breath.

"That's not true! At all!" I said, my head fuming. This was such an idiotic argument.

"Hey! Calm down! I'm not the one who's friends with such an idiot. Now drop it! This conversation is over!" He pointed his finger at me.

"You're such a jerk!" I said, crossing my arms.

Suddenly I felt a burning sting on my cheek. Jake had hit me, right across the face. I stood in shock, my left hand on my cheek. Tears formed in my eyes as Jake also stood, in shock. He then spoke with a quite tone.

"Jack..I..I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to.."

He then pulled me close to him, hugging me. I didn't want his comfort, I was honestly scared to do anything. I didn't want to pull away in case he would get mad again. He's never hit me before. I made myself promise to never have Felix over again, so this would never happen.


Present day
10:30 A.M

Jacks POV

I was just sitting reading my book when I heard Jake burst threw the door. I quickly put my book down and hoped that Jake wasn't drunk. That's usually when he's the most mad. I went over to the door to see Jake struggling to unzip his jacket. That zipper has been broken for a long time.
It always gets stuck and I always need to help him get it off. Sometimes it helps me get less hard of beatings. Sometimes it makes it worse. Just depends on his mood.

He was definitely drunk, he smelled like beer, his hair was messy and a stain on his shirt. I'm assuming liquor. But, he also smelt like a girl. I could smell the vanilla perfume. I was used to Jake doing horrible things to me, but never cheat. At least that I know of...

"H-how are you Jake?" I tried not to sound nervous.

"Shut up bitch." He mumbled, pushing past me. He was at least not in a
terrible mood.

I stood there, looking at my hands, not sure what I should do. I decided to offer to wash his shirt, since it had a drink stain. I still wanted to know if he did cheat or just smelt like perfume.

"Hey um.." I fidgeted with my fingers, looking down at them. He turned his head slightly to glare at me. I shivered and decided to just wash his shirt.

" you want me to clean your shirt?" I mumbled, hoping he would just say yes or no. And not get mean about it.

"Go bother someone else." He looked back at the TV he was watching.

He had turned on some football game.

"Right.. s-sorry." I walked back to the kitchen.

I sighed when I heard a sweet voice coming from behind me.

AN: Again. Couldn't sleep so I'm writing a 3rd chapter today. :) I have to stop though or my Ipad is gonna die. I'll be busy tomorrow but I'll still try to write.


Thank you all so much for reading, and I will see you all, in the
next one! Buh-byeeeeee!

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