Chapter: 9 - Nightmares

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12:47 A.M

Jacks POV

Jake was dragging me into the guest room. He grabbed me by the collar. He slapped me hard across the face. My face stung as tears flooded threw my face. He yelled at me, though he kept his voice quite, not wanting anyone to hear.

He continued to scold me. At one point he had punched my stomach so hard, I had to bend over, coughing. I kept trying to explain that I didn't do anything.

He then pushed me into some boxes. I fells onto them, they crushed under my weight.

Jake then turned into a large black, gooey monster with large, yellow, sharp teeth. His eyes still white, no color, his pupils now like the ones of a cat. He started stepping closer and was about to-

Suddenly I felt someone gently shaking my arms. My eyes quickly shot open. I sat up, panting heavily. Mark was next to me, asking if I was okay. I couldn't answer. All I could do was start crying. I turned, looking at him. Mark stopped when he saw me. His face softened and he brought me into a hug. I climbed onto him, now facing right at him. I gripped the back of his shirt. He shushed me, rubbing my back and was saying something in his sweet, calm voice. I couldn't understand him that well, I wasn't able to focus on anything. When he noticed I wasn't really calming down that much, he hugged me tighter.

"Jack are you alright?" He asked, probably for the millionth time.

I wanted to say something but all that came out was a quite sob. I hated my nightmares They were always so real feeling, and when I woke up, Jake never tried to comfort me. In fact he would make me go outside to our balcony to calm down. But with Mark... I felt safe... like I could tell him anything... like he would protect me, no matter what. Those thoughts alone helped me start to stop sobbing. My breathing was still short.

"There we go.." I heard Marks calm voice finally say. I could actually focus on his voice, and what he was saying. "Are you alright now?" He asked.

He pulled me away slightly so that I could look at his face. He was leaning on the headboard of the bed. Our faces were nearly touching.

I was about to say something when I decided to just nod.

"Are you ready to talk yet?" He asked, his voice still quite and soft.

"I-I.." I choked on my words.

He gave me a sympathetic look then hugged me.

"It's alright... you don't need to say anything right now. Or at all if you don't want to." He said.

I nodded. I wanted to tell him, so that I didn't seem to childish. But at the same time, I wanted this to last forever. I wanted to fall back asleep like this. I looked back up at him.

He gave me a reassuring smile.

"I.." I paused. I was now sitting up all the way, still on his lap. "I'm not ready to talk yet but-"

"That's alright." He interrupted me. "You can calm down and go back to bed, or you can stay up. It's your choice."

I yawned before I could even answer. He gave out an adorable little breathy chuckle.

"I think I'll go to bed." I said, smiling ever so slightly. He nodded.

I wanted to sleep right here, laying on Marks chest, it was calming, and just felt right.

I didn't want to be rude though, so I was about to start getting off when Mark scoot, down, now on his back. I was still on the same spot. I now realized that I was sitting up on his lap and felt a large blush come to my face.

He lay his head on the pillows. I was on all fours over him. He put one hand on my waist, slightly guiding me to lay down. He didn't force anything, just telling me to lay down.

"You can sleep however you need," he finally said. "You just think about you. I don't mind."

I finally felt comfortable enough to lay down. I rested my head under his. My arms were under him, touching his back, almost like a hug. Our legs tangled together under the thick blanket. His arms were on my back, his breathing was calm, and steady. He lay still, holding me close. I sighed, feeling happy, and calm. My breathing was steady, and I focused on Marks heart beats once again, to help me relax, and fall asleep.

1 beat...
2 beats...
3 beats...
4 beats...
5 beats...

I lost count after a while and focused on his breathing. He started rubbing my
back, and stroking my hair.

I took a breath in, then out.

Minutes later I was fast asleep.

1:24 A.M

Marks POV

Jack finally laid down on top of me. His breathing had calmed.

He was having a nightmare and woke me up. Him twitching and quite whimpering was what woke me. It took a while to wake him up but when I had, he was crying, trembling, and looked just over all terrified. It took a while to get him to calm down but now that I had, he was almost asleep. Since he was getting close to sleep, I starting rubbing his back, and stroking his hair. That seemed to help and in just a few minutes, small, quite snores could be heard from him.

Aww how adorable.

Wait what?

I shook my head. Jack held onto me, and looked peaceful. I hope he doesn't have another nightmare. I lay still, not wanting to wake Jack. I shut my eyes, not thinking about anything
but sleep. I tried to push all my other thoughts out. Half of me wanted to sleep, but the other
half wanted me to stay up and watch over Jack. I just continued to try and sleep. Listening to
the clock in my room (which was next to Jacks).


Minutes later and I was out cold.

4:03 A.M

Marks POV

I woke up to the sound of an alarm.

Must be Jakes alarm for work.

He works a lot and has two shifts. His morning shift was from 4:30-10:45 A.M.
His second shift is from 11:30 A.M - 6:30 P.M. Though he always comes home
later now... strange.

I look down to see Jack still laying on my chest, our legs were tangled together,
and he was hugging me, keeping me close.

I slowly moved him off, while also getting up. He stirred a bit, but didn't wake up.


I sighed in relief and quickly shut off the alarm before it would wake him.

Jake should be home soon.

I walk out, not bothering to change my cloths, they were still clean and I had only
changed into them earlier tonight.

I was wearing gray sweatpants, and a pink sweatshirt, with a mustache in the middle,
it was a slightly darker shade of pink, but still light.

I had noticed that Jack had changed as well at some point. He was also wearing gray
sweatpants, but had a green sweatshirt and a green eye in the center.

I sat on the couch when I heard the doorknob of the front door start to turn.

AN: Glad I was actually able to post this chapter on time. Sheeeesh. I know
I keep saying that I'll post everyday but this time I mean it. I just had a bit
of a writers block with school, and some other things. I didn't have anything
else to do and wasn't feeling like doing any homework so I went to my writing.
It's the only thing that keeps me sane in my house. <;


Thank you all so much for reading, and as always, I will see you, in the next one!

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