Chapter: 10 - Anger

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4:10 A.M

Marks POV

I had turned on the TV when I heard the doorknob unlock, and start to turn.

Jake opened the door, walking in. Or... more of stumbled in.

"Heyyy Mark." He said, slurring his words.

The door shut behind him.

He sat near me on the couch. He had a strong smell of some woman's perfume.
His shirt was loose on his neck, showing a few hickeys. He relaxed on the couch.
I noticed on the collar of his button up white shirt had lipstick smudged on it.

Not only had he hit Jack, but he was cheating on him too?!

How long has all of this been going on?!

I glared at him. I wanted to beat the life out of him, but I knew Jack would get upset.

"Dude," he started. "The most hilarious thing happened tonight." He mumbled.

I eyed him, skeptical.

"Man I just gotta say," Jake looked at me. "Jack has gotta be the most annoying little
shit that I've eeeever known." He spoke with such annoyance in his voice, that it made
me want to just slap him right across the face.

"He's really not-" I tried to say, but got interrupted by the piece of crap I front of me.

"Yeahhh he issss." He almost sounded happy talking trash about Jack. "He's so annoying,"
He paused. "But, he does keep the house clean."

My jaw dropped.

Is that really the only reason he's with Jack?!

"I gotta tell ya man," he said with a smirk. "I would much rather be with someone like
you than some idiotic ugly little-"

"Shut up man! Jacks great! You don't know anything!" I shouted at him without
even thinking first.

He narrowed his eyes. "Someone's got a temper." I was about to lose it.

Before I could let Jake have it, we heard small footsteps coming from Jacks room.
I looked over to see the door slowly open, Jack poking his head out.

He looked like he was taken aback when he saw Jake on the couch.

Jake groaned when he saw Jack.

"O-oh.." Jack stuttered. "Your back?"

"Why you got a problem with that?" Jake growled.

Jack quickly shook his head. "N-no that's not what I meant-"

"Oh shut it you little whining bitch." Jake said.

Jack immediately stopped talking.

"Get outta here, Mark and I are talking." He said, gesturing for Jack to leave.

"Right.. s-sorry." Jack stuttered, walking back to his room.

I could feel my fists clenching. How could Jake treat him like this? And to do it
so casually.

Jake started talking again. "I gotta tell ya something man," he had another smirk on
his face. I just wanted to leave, I didn't want to talk to him, I wanted to go comfort Jack.
"I've been gettin' drunk every night and getting with girls 'n shit." I immediately looked at

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