The mission

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*spice warning 🌶*

I wiggle my way into my black and green leather jumpsuit, slick my hair back into a high ponytail, put on some eyeliner and a dark red lip and tie up my combat boots before slotting two daggers and a pistol into the belt around my waist.
I look in the mirror and barely recognise the girl staring back at me, I rarely go on missions so wearing my 'suit' is definitely a novelty for me. I like it though, I look fierce. The green in my hair peeks through the ponytail whilst the black on top frames my face, only now realising it perfectly matches my suit and I smile to myself.
My blue eyes look darker today, I don't know whether it's just me thinking they do since I look a lot tougher like this or they have actually darkened to match my mood.

I walk out of my room at the same time Loki walks out of his. He smirks when he sees me and his eyes travel slowly over my body.

"I like this." He growls. He too looks very alluring. He's wearing black leather trousers, a leather and gold metal chest plate, black combat boots and a long black leather coat with an emerald green lining, gold detailing along the hem and gold metal shoulder plates. I see he is also decorated with various daggers hidden throughout his ensemble.
I smile at him trying to not let him distract me.
"Thanks Laufeyson, are you ready to go?" He nods at me, licking his bottom lip as his eyes once again explore my body.

I turn quickly on my heel to hide my reaction and jog downstairs to where Tony's waiting, dangling car keys in front of me. I snatch them eagerly seeing that he's handed me the keys to the Audi R8, my all time favourite car.

"Are you serious? You're letting me take the R8?!" I beam at him like a school child being handed ice-cream.
"Yes kiddo I am, one scratch. One."
"Yes I know, I know. Don't worry! When have I ever damaged a car?"

Tony quickly briefs me and Loki once more before we head to the garage.
I'm practically skipping towards the car, as I press the button to unlock the car the bright white LED headlights flood the garage. A striking contrast to the sleek black car with dark tinted windows. I squeal as I jump into the driver's seat and Loki cautiously gets in next to me.

"Are you sure you can drive this thing?"
I rolled my eyes at him, already exasperated.
"Yes Laufeyson, I can. I've driven this car and many others multiple times before. But by all means, walk."
"No. No, just checking. Save that fire for the interrogation darling."
I roll my eyes at him again before firing up the engine.

The car roared to life and a smile spread across my face as I stepped on the gas, speeding out of the garage and through the streets, I even caught a hint of a smile teasing the corners of Loki's mouth.

I drove around twenty minutes before we got to the secluded warehouse where the man was being kept. We get out of the car and nod to Clint who had been keeping watch and head in to start the interrogation.

A few hours went by and neither me or Loki were able to get much out of him. We tried most tactics including violence, I am unashamed to admit that I started, my knuckles now covered in blood from the man's face, my hands dancing around the handle of my blade, beyond tempted to use it. This man after all was Pierce. Head of Hydra. My rage was barely able to be contained.

"You think you can bargain with me?" Pierce laughs, spitting blood at me. I grab my knife and hold it to his throat, pressing the back of his head into my chest. Loki shakes his head at me and I release him, bringing my fist to the back of his skull, for good measure of course.

Then, just as we were about to give up for the night, Nats voice rang through our earpieces.
"Guys! Pierce has a wife."

A malevolent smile spread across Loki's face as he leaned forward.

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