The debrief

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Loki and I stroll through the front door of the compound, casual as hell, like I wasn't just screaming his name ten minutes ago.
Pretty much everyone was sitting in the living room awaiting our return, I glanced up at Loki and he peered down at me, a slight smirk briefly appearing on his face.

"How'd it go?" Tony asks, standing from his seat.
"Yeah, good. We got everything we needed." I replied.
"I'd say we got more than we needed in fact." Loki quipped.
"Amazing news! Proud of you kiddo! And good job Reindeer Games." Tony beamed at both of us, thankfully unaware of the innuendo dripping from Loki's reply.

We both take a seat with the rest, casual conversation filling the room.
As I reached for my phone I winced as I remembered my hands. I glanced at them and saw they were very swollen and still covered in dark dried blood.
Bucky, observant as ever, notices from where he was sitting opposite me and leaps up, taking my hands in his.

"Doll? What happened, are you okay?"
"I'm fine Buck, I heal fast, remember?"
"Maybe don't beat the shit out of the guy next time, Saf?" Loki jokes, raising his eyebrows at me.
I glare at him and look back to my hands.

"Doll... why'd you do that? You're usually the calmer one. Who were you guys even interrogating?" Bucky asked, concern washed over his usual stoic expression.
My eyebrows shot up in surprise, not knowing he didn't know.
"Pierce." I state matter of factly.
"Pierce?! As in the Pierce?" He booms, making me flinch slightly.
"What other Pierce do you know, Buck?" I glare at him. Irritated from the hours I'd spent with Pierce earlier.
Fury flashes across his face as he stands up, cornering Stark against a wall and pointing his massive finger in his face.

"You let Safie interrogate Pierce? Are you fucking crazy?!" He shouts in Tony's face.
"Why wouldn't I? She's a perfectly capable agent, Barnes." Tony says casually, unfazed by the massive wall of muscle in front of him.
Steve approaches Bucky and tries to get him away from Tony but Bucky shoves him to the floor without taking his eyes off of Stark.
"I know she's fucking capable, Stark." He spits. "Why didn't you send me? She shouldn't have had to do it alone!" He growls.

I sink into my seat, never seeing Bucky like this before, Loki placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Okay first, I need you to get out of my face, Manchurian Candidate. Second, I didn't send you because well..." Stark says vaguely gesturing at Bucky.
"You can never keep your cool, you were too deep into Hydra and we needed the intelligence. If I need anyone brutally murdered, don't worry you'll be my first choice." Tony replies, his voice calm and unwavering whereas steam could basically be seen rolling off of Bucky.
"And third - she wasn't alone. Rock of Ages was with her." He says gesturing over to me and Loki on the sofa.
Bucky spins round momentarily, registering Loki's hand on me and turns back to Stark, landing a punch into the wall next to his head. The sound vibrated around the whole room and left a massive hole in his wake.
"She should have been with someone who understands how she must've felt to be face to face with that waste of skin!" He seethed.

I take a deep breath and slowly walk towards the two men, Steve trying to stop me by grabbing my arm but I shake him off me.

"Bucky that's enough!" I shout as I grab his shoulder. His neck snaps round and glares at me, our eyes locking.
I glare right back, matching his death stare perfectly, even if I was trembling.
"I said. That's. Enough." I say through gritted teeth, though my eyes started watering. Bucky's expression momentarily changes as he noticed before returning to his cold emotionless state and turning back around to Stark.

"Any other involvement with Hydra you leave Safie out of it." He spits before stepping away from Tony, walking over to the bar and pouring a scotch that he shoots down instantly, pouring another to replace it.

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