Drinking games

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I down my drink in one, staying at the bar to make another one, knowing this is gonna get messy. Wanda joins me at the bar, refilling her wine.

"This is a bad idea isn't it?" She squeaks.
"Definitely. But it might be fun?" I say shrugging.
"Shot of vodka quick before we go back?" She pleads.
"I promised Peter no shots... but if he doesn't see..." I say grinning as I discreetly pour us out a couple of shots. We clink our glasses quietly before knocking them back. Wanda then grabs her glass of wine and knocks that back too before pouring another, I raise my eyebrows at her.
"What? We both know this is gonna be a mess, so may as well take the edge off."
"Good point." I agree, knocking my martini back and mixing another one.
We hold hands, walking back over to everyone and take our seats.

"Can I start?" Thor asks, excited. We nod for him to go.
"Okay, nice and easy, never have I ever kissed a girl." He says smiling, taking a sip of his beer.
Me and Nat take a drink with the rest of the guys, leaving just Wanda and Peter not drinking.
Peter starts blushing when everyone realised he hasn't taken a drink.

"Wait, Peter are you serious?" I ask softly and he nods, turning redder by the second.
"Ah it's alright little spider! You will eventually!" Thor beams and we laugh.

"Okay my turn!" I shout. "Never have I ever, had a threesome." I say smirking but not drinking.
Loki, Tony, Nat and Sam take a drink and I look at them, eyebrows raised.
They all shrug at me, smiling.
"Well, what did you expect?" Loki smirks and I laugh.
"From you, Mischief, exactly that." I laugh. "But Sam?"
Sam just laughs in response, saying nothing.
"Not bad, Pigeon, not bad." Bucky says, raising his glass.
Pepper shoots a look at Tony who just shrugs. "What? Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Remember?" He grins and she rolls her eyes at him.

"Okay me!" Wanda says. "Never have I ever, had a sex dream about someone in the compound." She giggles as she takes a drink. Every single one of us drinks, except for Stephen who just laughs at us.
"Bunch of perverts." He jokes. "But let's explore that further, see who has actually gotten somewhere: never have I ever, had sex with someone on the team, whilst living in the compound." He says, raising an eyebrow at all of us.
Tony and Pepper drink, obviously. Then me, Loki and Bucky also drink.

"What?! No way? Are you serious?" Wanda shouts, sitting on the edge of her seat and I shift uncomfortably between them both.
"I mean... it may have, potentially, happened." I laugh and Steve shakes his head in exasperation whilst Thor pats Loki dramatically on the back.
"Oh it definitely happened Doll." Bucky smirks and I hit his arm.
"When?!" Wanda exclaims and I blush.
"Which time?" I ask, trying not to laugh.
"Oh. My. God." She says, open mouthed.

"Ite. Getting to the deep questions now: Never have I ever, been in love?" Sam asks, not drinking.
Me, Tony, Pepper, Clint, Steve, Strange and Wanda all drink.
"Really doll? When?" Bucky asks, intrigued.
"Years ago, I was only like 16. But Bucky Barnes I don't believe you've never been in love."

"Oh Shan, back in the day this guy was such a ladies man, so many girls... I'm not surprised he's never been in love, I would be surprised if he knew all their names though." Steve laughs and Bucky glares at him.
"Well... I guess he's not that wrong. And the winter soldier didn't exactly get much action." He jokes.
"Nope. Surely. Do girls not love the broken murderous type?" I ask.

"You clearly do, darling." Loki says and elbow him in the ribs to shut him up.
"I hate to admit, he has a point doll." Bucky smirks and everyone starts laughing.

We play a few more rounds before Tony pipes up. "Okay. Never have I ever, lied to get out of a mission, training or a meeting." He says, glaring at us as every single one of us takes a drink, including Pepper. "Are you kidding me?"
"I'm - I'm sorry Mr. Stark. It's just sometimes I know the meetings are gonna be super boring, no offense!" Peter rambles and we all laugh, agreeing with him.
"You're all fired!" He jokes but his expression remains pissed.

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